
Would that mean that if anyone complains about their rights being infringed and the law responds they are “in control of the US legal system”. If complaints are made the justice system has a duty to investigate and if necessary act.

The only place I have seen anyone say that the US objected to the livestream is when Dotcom said it himself. There is nothing anywhere that shows it to be true. I'm sure the companies who had their rights infringed upon don't find this a waste of time.

I think he's being judged on both counts lol

Read the indictment and find out why they are being treated differently. Youtube follows the DMCA laws, Megaupload went out of their way to not follow them.... :)

Actually if you read the indictment they go to great lengths to explain why they consider megaupload to be completely different to how dropbox and youtube etc operate. In fact Youtube changed it's entire business model in 2008 to ensure they were legal.. Megaupload didn't.

LMAO, you think free tv is a humanitarian gesture? Making $175,000,000 wasn't anything to do with it?

Court proceedings are always on public record, that's what the stenographer used to do. Dotcom is just grandstanding.

Righ side of the law? It's been through two hearing where it's been declared he is most likely on the wrong side, this third one will be no different