Best line in the whole post. Amazing.
Best line in the whole post. Amazing.
As a Lions fan, I’d rather have the bag.
Holy shit, a ghost!
dog hello
The 3 games reduced to 1 if during appeal he is able to get some of the blame deflected to a woman
Roger only cares if it was caught on video. If they caught it, lifetime ban. If they didn’t, 3 games.
I knew I recognized him! From the Sex Match!
Dress up like this then claim robbers did it.
I think I saw this guy on a 60 Minutes segment back in the fall (it comes on after football, man, get off my nuts!). They were doing a deep dig on social media influencers and how people like this guy rake in money by being popular on Vine and Instagram. He’s basically a slightly less obnoxious Kardashian with an…
ME: tolerance and peace is the best way to go through life. we shouldn’t infringe on somebody who’s just doing what they want
ALSO ME: we should destroy every teen
Footage of this guy is the best ISIS recruiting video ever.
“Honestly, yeah it’s terrible,” Paul said about his neighbors’ complaints. “It’s a bad situation. No, I feel bad for them, for sure. There’s nothing we can do, though. The Jake Paulers [Paul’s fans] are the strongest army out there. Dab.” And then he dabbed.
How could somebody pay for $110 to watch a serial abuser use a brain-scrambled dipshit as a human punching bag (in high def)? How do Adam Sandler movies make money? How can I make $5500/week working from home just like my aunt, ask me how.
Some leftover pizza for the lady?
You guys, Tenderman already has a name, and that name is SNAG. It stands for sensitive new age guy.
Imagine Matt McGorry without the charisma:
BRB sending this to my ex.
Didn’t we learn anything from Juju Pepe?
Ha! Reading the comments above about compellingly unlikeableyet characters I immediately thought of Cersei.