
For me it came down to the types of the 2 legendaries. Solgaleo is Psychic/Steel and Lunala is Psychic/Ghost. That means Lunala has a 4x weakness to Dark and Ghost type moves, while Solgaleo’s weaknesses don’t get above 2x. I’ll have to find a Metang though cause I just love Metagross.

It basically is. The same happens with parking tickets. In Canada only city councils can issue parking tickets, but if you park in a shopping mall overnight for example the mall will issue you a ticket. That ticket has no legal bearing or obligation to pay, they will try to coerce you into paying it, but all in all

I’m relatively new to this site and to larger games writing. I hope that I develop a reputation for honesty. Plenty of sites can get hyperbolic when talking about games, spewing out one liners that look like the type of shit you see in commercials or GOTY edition boxes.

To a degree, yeah. I’m not entirely on board with the idea of waiting this long myself. But, the way I figure it, Nintendo is waiting on this info to prevent killing whatever sales they can get with their holiday releases.

My expectations for third-party games are low. Nintendo tried with Wii U and 3DS to get more hardcore games and it just doesn’t make a lot of sense. Their systems are usually weaker than the competition and therefore it’s better to get a new Arkham, Call of Duty or Assassin’s Creed on the more cutting-edge consoles.

Oh, hush. Go grab a pint and try to get a little happier.

Right, because that’s the first thing that comes to mind when people hear the word switch. Jeez, that’s a pretty lame attempt at trolling.

Its also a thing that turns lights on and off. Silly nintendo.

Now that we’ve seen their final evolutions, Popplio is unequivocally the best. You seen that swimming pop star mermaid? Aka the Popplio Star Mermaid. I want its next album.

Yeah I don’t get the need to hide behind disliking the design because its ‘feminine’. If you don’t like the design, just don’t like it. You don’t need a reason to not like something.

Sorry, but you judge a Starter by their final form and Popplio’s final form is damn sexy. She’s my starter. Deal with it.

Popplio is my favorite and that’s all that matters.

It will go like thhis:

grow the fuck up.

This might be the first time I’ve liked both sides of an argument equally.

Sure, but now that we’re all old and have bad backs, it’s a lot harder to sit on the floor 5 feet away from our TVs.

You know, I’m really going to miss MiiVerse when it shuts down. I hope the NX keeps it going, because it’s so very Nintendo.

So glad the Arthur memes became a thing.