
@zenneth: They need time for their employees to test them in local drinking establishments!

@madisondj: I'm referring to the general tone of the site. Whether or not she deserved it, Reddit is the place to go if you're looking to get a crowd excited about ranting against the evils of women.

Ah, Reddit. The internet's home for sexist whiners.

@ahbi: Note: this is not actually how unions work.

@mouche: My question exactly...

@RustyNeedle: If this game didn't have line-drawing controls, it wouldn't have warranted a post.

@RustyNeedle: How did you draw lines on the non-touch screen?

I can't decide whether to mock this invention or go find midnight nachos.

@Cameron Barker: I'm a strong supporter of certain "third parties" ideologically, but they rarely field candidates in elections where they have a chance of winning. Because of the poor design of electoral systems in this country, most elections come down to two candidates it might make a difference to vote for, and

@N00BIES: Wow, this conversation just went to a creepy and kind of sexist place.

@Facebook: "... do a profile on tech friendly politicians when it's not voting season."

How dare you present your actual, well-expressed opinions without throwing in a token candidate from the other side just for the illusion of balance? I want the money back that I paid to access your site! Also, someone please change my diaper, for I am about to start crying again! Waaa!

@N00BIES: Heh, what I see as a weakness you see as a strength.

@MikeSWelch: It seems silly, but the lack of backlit keyboard is bothering me more than the lack of an optical drive when I consider the MBA.

@N00BIES: My wife's needs aren't particularly hardcore, but she likes to keep about 3 dozen tabs open in her browser at any given time. The iPad just doesn't have that as an option.

Not a robot.

@grovestreet: That's the best thing you can find to complain about? Something he had no say over whatsoever?

@kaffeen: I'm a pretty serious geek, and I'd be fine with the maxed-out 13" Air as my primary computer. The one thing I'd miss is the backlit keyboard...

@Scenick: If your kids would rather use your competitor's products than yours, it's probably not the kids that are doing something wrong.

@Ian Logsdon: The coming vegan crusades will finally put all these questions to rest!