
I mean, I’m pretty sure that’s how a limo service can work, if you request it.

I think there’s only one solution here:

This is a stupid article. No “bro” can afford these cars. She must have been personally offended that FCA lent her that SRT Challenger a while back, for some reason.

That car looks miserable, it’s begging for mercy, just kill it already for God’s sake!

No, that front view looks horrible.

So what’s California’s solution to the power grid? I’m not against the idea, but there are a lot questions to answer and problems to solve before it’s a realistic proposal that doesn’t involve energy rationing.

Amen. I love my GM garbage tier plastic filled pile of fun. I’ll never get rid of it.

I saw a street-parked WS6 the other day and was honestly surprised by how well it had aged.for being such a rather exuberant design even in its day. It really didn’t seem as gaudy and over the top as it used to. It was actually pretty cool in a “F-you and your leased BMW” kind of way.

If you own a Firebird like that, you better dress like the Hoff.

If you own one of these machines, or invested money in it, your right to vote should be taken away because you are fucking idiot.

Bet you there’s more than one lawyer who has/had tried to convince the driver that they can sue the homeowners for placing the rocks there. After all if the rocks weren’t there he would have crashed into their house which would have likely been less injurious to him. They have created a hazard.

Freddy, we’re gonna have one of those meetings later where I talk and you listen.

Lotus esprit

Well, uh, this is awkward.

The V8 Esprits, with the round tails, are by far the best of the bunch looks and performance wise. Lotus had a 500HP TTV8 that they had to detune to 350 because the Renault transmission would grenade over that number.

Oh, that was a favorite episode mainly because of the Esprit. Yours is a gorgeous example.