Not probably
Not probably
Simon Sinek’s “It Starts With Why” is one of if not the best self help/advice book I’ve read to date. Changed a lot of perspectives and refocused a lot of things in my life. Probably about due for a reread. This was great to see today.
I think most that have experienced frontier would agree. Maybe it’s a regional thing. The reasons you’ve listed are reasons if I’d experienced myself to stay away from them.
I have only ever checked bags when flying internationally, and used nothing more than a carryon domestically. Good advice for anyone looking to fly quickly and without issue. I think that has helped cut down on any potential horror stories I could have.
United has continued to be thee best airline I’ve flown with. One of the few I can say I haven’t had a “bad experience” with yet.
Have only heard good things about the later CL-S. I owned a ‘99 CL with the 3.0L V6 and it ate transmissions, I know of others that had the same issue in the accord V6s from those few years. The 4-cyl with the manual faired much better I believe. Other than the transmission every other year issue, absolutely loved the…
I care if you call bullshit or not? it is a pretty common notion that applies to the majority of developed countries.
The bottom 1/5th of a percent of the population in this developed nation is purportedly homeless. Not 1% so......
The standard of living for the bottom 1% in 2017, generally speaking, is better than the standard of living for the top 1% that lived in 1917. People need to realize the wealth gap may never shrink. But they should also not feel so entailed to the latest and greatest unnecessary technology they cannot afford.
Disrupting the flow of traffic is dangerous for starters and illegal where I live. Being a police officer in an unmarked car does not put said officer above the law as much as they’d like to think.
Raised man hole lids at night will fuck your shit up just as bad. Bent the front rim on my 883 sportster, it must have bumped me 8-10 inches off the seat. Definitely had a sore lower back from that one for a bit, was fortunate to hang on to the handlebars for that one
The used sets I was bidding on without a shifter were regularly selling for 240-260 + shipping and they were used.
The used sets I was bidding on without a shifter were regularly selling for 240-260 + shipping and they were used.
Said flat brimmed hellaflush fart can bros on the east coast typically aren’t the any brighter.
Have been bidding on G920's for a few weeks, this is below what I’ve been bidding and new =]!
Have been bidding on G920's for a few weeks, this is below what I’ve been bidding and new =]!
My mistake, also thought the tax credit was scaled, 7500 being for the high end cars, and being less for something like the bolt. I stand corrected on all those points. A quick google search on my end would have saved you from typing that, sorry!
Your comment is no less relevant for a 38k bolt.
You want to know where that 7500 would be more useful? In a small business with pass through profit where roughly 15-20 employees can see this tacked on to their bonus as taxes are now 14% lower on these types of businesses. Allowing those middle class individuals to spend their money where they choose rather than a…
Doubt there’s much to be made in a bus line with a just a few drivers. The correct long term business model probably was to dissolve the company before it consumed his personal assets. 66% of small businesses don’t survive two years. Not usually an indicator of a shitty person running it. (obviously this is giving a…
While all of those are issues, it seems those around myself with little to no savings, are already livening beyond their means. My examples go far beyond this. But take for example, the house I bought earlier this year in a foreclosure bid, the previous owners was in foreclosure for 9 years while still living there.…
Yea, most of the people I knew that went to Christian Schools at middle and high school levels were going there to keep them out of trouble, not to give them a Christian upbringing or education. The parents just had money to send them somewhere