
Totally. On the other hand, there’s probably some utility in being able to easily monitor these wackadoos. It’s not like they’re gonna run out of places on the Internet.

Good, censor the fuck out of them. Reddit isn’t the government (thank fucking god).

It’s no more censorship than my local newspaper refusing to run my ad for “Looking for two dead goats to fellate, while a professionally licensed nurse tends to my anal fissures, in the nude. I expect to ejaculate on the back of said nurse at a minimum of 3 times. No calls after 9pm, please.”

As a private person, I am under no obligation to provide access to something I disapprove of (or worse, that opens me up to legal liability). Forcing me to do so is a violation of my freedoms and rights.

It boggles the mind that people like you butch about the constitution yet have no fucking clue what it actually says. Private companies can censor whatever the fuck they want

When you are not the government it is called “running your business.”

Yes, but Reddit is a privately owned operation so they can do whatever the fuck they want, thank god. They are under no obligation to give those shit-munchers a platform.

Well there is no need for it now with President Bannon.

That bottom image....i’m never getting the coffee out of this keyboard.