Fighter of the Nightman

Worst I’ve seen are those bright 90s esque jackets but that was typical of everyone anyway 

“Sorry our ice cream machine is busted”

I tried for nearly a year and gave up and just bought it off Ebay. my job doesn’t allow me to stare at twitter all day 

He talks an awful lot for someone who’s cancelled

Cierra tus ojos 

Didn’t Texas make it so Teslas can’t even be sold there? lmao 

These have never let me down before!

I’ve seen a lot of British publications giving it great reviews, not sure if it’s bias because well duh or if it’s really worth watching. Granted the people on here are pretty pessimistic sometimes

Honey you don’t look anything like Jennifer Lawrence lmao 

You should see the craters that exist by the Firehouse Subs near my house, Neil Armstrong would shake his head 

That’s super ironic of a Mormon to say that tbh 

Buzz Lightyear edition 

No we should give him ALL of it 

Not a fan, not with the amount of hail my area gets 

Kind of jest, I’d rather do that than have to pay a ridiculous fee for radio. 

Where I live they had an article about a 21 million dollar house that’s up for sale.. there’s nothing special about it except it’s next to a sad looking pond. It just looks like a typical southwestern house, people are nuts. 

Oh would you look at that, I brought my bluetooth speakers and phone into my car today! 

One thing I’ve noticed with my grandmother’s dementia is that she has a decent enough long term memory but if you ask her what she did today she gets very flustered and then angry because she can’t remember. So when I speak to her I mention stuff from a while ago like the time we spent at the summer cabin or what have

Who watches this crap? And what moron gave the child murderer Jenny McCarthy a job?

He looks like he walked into a tattoo shop, saw all the example tattoos on the wall and said: “I’ll take the lot”