Fighter of the Nightman

Yes, it looks like she has a neurological condition sometimes. The weird head bob thing too is really distracting. Honestly I could do without the closeup shots of her face, every. single. episode. I’ve been saying this since season 1

And Aunt Lydia will be crying “No Janine!” and change her ways because of Janine’s death 

I was being sarcastic, but yeah I was thinking of the battle of Helm’s Deep where there was some convenient moonlight to not make it look pitch black 

Not their fault the moon was shy that night 

potato in the tailpipe 

Definitely should probably get a ticket and a tow, Idk if vandalizing is necessary. 

So smart to broadcast this on social media 

A lot of these types of rock stars put on a stage persona, there’s a difference between acting like a freak for entertainment and abusing your girlfriends. 

I’ve never been treated like dirt when I travel, YMMV..

I mean the man is 83 years old and there’s a pandemic, just let him use it from home. 

So you’re saying he could get more bigger?

She’s so scrawny she’d probably have to eat like 20 lbs of food in one day to gain that kind of weight.

Nothing more compassionate than a money grubber. 

Maybe he’s confused and meant the BIG PIE!

Wow that Ferrari will be very patient to wait until it catches fire. 

Hell yeah Molly represent! 

Masks are dangerous, but destroyed organs from alcoholism are just fine 

I don’t think that necessarily means you got water, but hey who knows. 

I think this has to be one of the laziest examples of reporting I’ve ever seen 

Even on a local level they’ve done a lot for the homeless community in Seattle, or at least have tried.