
“Sad. Sad little crybaby loser who probably cant even take a shower with a beautiful woman without wearing his jeans. He’s probably crying because he’s surrounded by black guys living in hell and because in Chicago, which Obama invented, teenage white girls cant even walk down the street without having a baby ripped

“’ve only got a few hours until all that shit that made you feel good about being a sports fan fades into memory and you return to the office on Monday as the same cynical prick you’ve always been.”

haha holy shit, what you’re looking for is an oracle, not a statistician.

all your critiques on him are based on his not expecting Trump to win the nomination. No one thought he’d win the nomination. Betting markets had him at roughly a 15-1 longshot.

That’s literally an answer to the question

Statistics, mo****fu****, do you speak it?

MATH IS HARD for bloggers.

His model says that there’s roughly a 66% chance that Hillary wins. It’s right there on his website, and it’s updated many times every day as new data comes in.

My prediction is: With a probability of 137% do not understand how probabilities work.

You’re clearly not a poker player, or someone who deals with probabilistic calculations.

Sounds like someone applied for a job at 538 and didn’t get it.

fuck off.

They probably all called in sick so they could go to the rally.


No, fuck you, we are not getting over this. Waited too long to actually celebrate a WS win in two days. We are going to enjoy and put this out there in your face until you hate(sounds like your well on your way there) the cubs and Chicago. We are going to revel in this most likely unil February. Now the favorites

Somebody think of the displaced Montero. Dude lost his job to Contretas, lost veteran presence status to Ross, and now has somehow lost World Series hero to Zobrist.

give love to Miggy, dammit!

you mean you can’t sleep an extra 2 hours for one night and recoup 28 hours of lost sleep over 2 weeks? news at 11. this isn’t a dig at you btw. im just pointing out the contradictory nature of the link you posted. because it implies on that same page that there is a need to catch up on sleep when it said “your

I work freelance, and recently I found myself in a situation where one job had me home at 2am with the next requiring me to get up and out the door about 6am. I could only get away with it because I have the rest of the week off to recover/do “office days”. On the flip side I kind of had to do it because I had no

Counterpoint: go fuck yourself.