You use oddly similar terms as the alt-right
You use oddly similar terms as the alt-right
lol billy doesn’t watch the games
The NCAA didn’t charge him with knowing....
This had the potential of being a good story but holy shit are you a terrible writer
you’re in the greys lmao
“Because i find it offensive”
Do you really think conservatives oppose loans?
thanks for your sharing your very important thoughts!
“instead of one that does its best to share the massive wealth across all its employees?”
The easily farthest left-leaning sports blog complaining about sports league’s markets not being free enough is always quite funny to me.
Then why did he try to filibuster Alito?
And again, well within their rights to do so.
I guess we’ll just keep ignoring how much Schilling and Kaepernick have in common, then.
Oklahoma receives slightly less than $1 dollar from the federal government for every dollar it sends. Good try though!
lol do you honestly think she knows the difference
no because the non-partisian groups that looked at it said it would add trillions to the national debt
Not when they’re 2-4 i’m not
well i’m mostly focusing on just his baggage, not the fact that his policies wouldn’t work. although that hasn’t stopped donnie...