Right yep i got the point I read Tom’s piece i don’t need you to repeat it to me
Right yep i got the point I read Tom’s piece i don’t need you to repeat it to me
I don’t think you understand what conservatives believe in.
If you can’t understand there is a difference between Republicans and Conservatives, you probably shouldn’t write about politics.
the guy who hid behind “worth is exactly what someone will pay” is probably not the one who should be criticizing economic thought
just an opportunity to shit on fox news
do you not have anything better to do than defend rapists on the internet?
Of all the incredibly dumb comments on this site, this takes the cake.
I hope this sounded better in your head
This whole conversation started because you said: “Yeah! So get in the fucking kitchen! Amirite?!”
calling someone racist and using honky to describe them lmao
“It was rude, offensive, mocking, derogatory and damaging.”
ok. things we’ve established:
honestly i probably thought you were the other guy when i wrote that who knows
what the actual fuck are you talking about?
lol ok you can create things i say any time
hahahaha so you’ve switched from “you’re wrong” to “no one cares that you’re right.”
you’re so bored at work you’re picking losing arguments? cute