
Is this a joke???? What about the first amendment? Freedom of speech?


The adults have to talk about the impact of players standing for a national anthem? Nice try with the condescension, next time just think of something actually important to talk with your “adult” buds.

Saying people should be locked behind bars like animals simply implies animals are kept in cages. it doesn’t compare anyone to animals. dear god.

lmao he didn’t compare anyone to animals but glad to see you only read deadspins coverage of his tweets and didn’t bother to read the actual tweets.

Defending assault, even of a shit person, is a shit thing to do.

did you read what you posted? Ditka said hands up didn’t shoot didn’t happen. So did the physical evidence. That’s not racist lol

This is barely tangentially related to sports

Two 100% different issues

fair, i think he’s technically still on life support. Unfortunately, not a good sign.

A black person was murdered at a protest for a murdered black person and no one gives a fuck

troll smarter, not harder

The case for reparations ignores that there already are reparations, and have been for quite some time.

And yet Muslims have been vastly more successful at killing Americans than all other groups of terrorists combined.

Well, I’m sure all those people in Orlando will be glad to hear it! Bunch of wimps, the lot of ‘em.

i dunno if you watched the video but those are not trump supporters

I hate indie movies, but i spend all day commenting on articles about them saying how much i hate them.

“By DraftKings’ definition of fraud, Zeidenfeld’s win is acceptable. Sponsored professional players receive money from DraftKings, are not DraftKings employees.”

Your second half runs/runs allowed per game calculations are not correct

If you can’t vote for a third part candidate in an election with two uninspiring candidates in an already decided state, when can you?