Lol i hear detroit is lovely this time of year!!
Lol i hear detroit is lovely this time of year!!
Your guys obsession on Whitlock (Greg in particular) is just kinda gross and weird to be honest
idk seems pretty solid to me
and yet they’re still 91-76 against them.
His OPS dropped from .852 (2014) to .755 (2015) and his WAR dropped from 1.0 in 2014 to 0.6 in 2015 and 0.2 in 2016. Kinda significant.
Criticizing players who don’t play well and have bad attitudes now makes you the biggest, dumbest asshole? I would think the millionaires playing baseball can handle a tiny bit of criticism.
Remember how mad you guys have gotten when celebrities said they weren’t feminists? And now the LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD says that he is a feminist and the response is “Meh, I’m not really thrilled with the way he said it. You’re missing the forest for a tree, big time. And it must be exhausting being offended all.…
gotta love the internet warriors. keep it up, badass
Right, because there’s simply no chance he didn’t rape that girl. Nevermind there were holes big enough to drive a tractor through in her story. Nope, no chance at all the black football player didn’t rape the white girl.
Yeah this is racist
“I thought you said they would be HOT lesbians” —not homophobic.
lol you are the biggest homer
Is it exhausting being offended by everything
Hahaha no worries, have a lovely day
It won’t, but I don’t think anyone is saying it will. The UFC sources said there next broadcasting contract could command $400m a year, the NBA’s new deal is $2.6B a year.
I thought we were talking about Bill O’Reilly????????????????????
if you believe that having political views you disagree with makes a person’s death a net benefit, you’re a fucking nut
You’re projecting. I said I don’t blame Hillary. I was just explaining the viewpoint of his mother, who does.
Right, again, I don’t blame Hillary, I was just explaining the viewpoint. And Pat Smith is Sean Smith’s mother, not ambassador Stevens. Not sure where the stepmother rumor got started, but according to this… posted after his death she raised him as a single mother.