It's been 56 years and I only remember one other movie that dared to kill off it's protagonist by the midpoint.
It's been 56 years and I only remember one other movie that dared to kill off it's protagonist by the midpoint.
We may be much closer to that than we expect. Trump visiting UK may cause all women to become infertile. European wombs aren't used to deal with this level of repulsiveness around them.
10+7+5+2 = 24
100-24 = 76 = voter turnout (adjust accordingly for roundoff errors, so in the 72-75 range is right)
Age 18 to 24 = 66% Stay; 23% Leave; 10% Didn't vote
Age 25 to 49 = 52% Stay; 40% Leave; 7% Didn't vote
Age 50 to 64 = 42% Stay; 53% Leave; 5% Didn't vote
Age 65 above = 38% Stay; 59% Leave; 2% Didn't vote
That Winterfell reference is pretty apt. How xenophobic unrest, right wing maneuvering, and his own self-importance pressured Cameron into accidentally leading his country into economic irrelevance is some GoT-level political scheming.
Cool. Maybe Lori can help getting the British economy back on track. She probably knows more about economy than at least 52% of the Brits, including high-powered politicians.
Without Texas, the GOP can no longer consider itself a political party. It's more like a strange cult.
Half of the UK has just voted that all of the UK has to jump off a cliff together. Dear Americans, you have a very similar decision to make in November. My advice: Don't jump.
No octopus movies in ages. Octopuses is where it's at.
Ew…I refuse to envision a future where everyone is a shallow attention whore and call that progress. But I'll give him this: I agree with him that our obession with judging and rating art as good or bad is kind of counterproductive. I do not find this very interesting anymore. I'd rather read a highly personal…
I think I haven't seen Tobey Maguire in anything for years now. What is he up to? Did the teenager babyface roles dry up and nobody wanted to cast him as an adult? Elisabeth Banks is obviously well off in comparison.
I like that they don't make a distinction between actors and actresses. Progress!
I'd wear that with pride.
So Cersei is not going to die next week. Good to know.
The pup thing is infinitely less gross than someone who just chooses a nickname for himself and demands everyone to call him that. Nobody gets to choose his own nickname, mister.
Gay muslims obviously lose either way.
I'm living in one of the most liberal cities in the entire world and I have to put up with frequent insults too. Drunk people calling me a f*g, insulting me for kissing boyfriends in public or at least staring at me irritated. I'm not even that "gay", like most people can't tell by looking at me or talking to me. I…
Next up: The Game of Thrones Theme Park! Including: Daenery's Dragon Rollercoaster, The Drop Tower Of Joy, Blackwater Slide, Climbing And Watching On The Wall, The White Walker Tunnel Of Terror, Trial By Combat Against The Mountain, Littlefinger's Brothel, Tyrion's Stand-Up Comedy show, Bran's Fortunetelling, The…
The more I think about the episode (and the developments that lead to it) the less I like it. For emotional resonance, there needs to be clarity, but everything here is muddled and any motivation or characterization is sacrifized for pure spectacle. What was Sansa up to? Why doesn't the North remember shit and…
This episode isn't taken from the books. The show is far ahead of the books. How can you not know that Littlefinger comes to the rescue? He said so several times during the season.