Davos' horse looks into the camera, destroying the episode's credibility, rendering it worthless. Did this horse learn nothing in drama school?
Davos' horse looks into the camera, destroying the episode's credibility, rendering it worthless. Did this horse learn nothing in drama school?
Indiana Jones And The Lawn Of The Retirement Home
I actually thought the whole movie would be invisible, because the DC cinematic universe was called off after Batman vs. Superman.
If you already need several serious talks about "ego and entitlement", because you star in some second-rate sitcom (and nothing else of note so far), your career probably won't make it all that far. You're not Meryl Streep, little twink. Producers can just pick one of the thousands of other young actors that fit the…
I always wondered why Peaky Blinders isn't covered in any way by the AV Club.
Devil's Rejects remains his best movie. Lords of Salem was promising. Halloween II had it's moments and was better than the first part. I'd skip the rest, but I give him this: There aren't many directors today, especially not in the horror genre, who's style is as distinctive as his, even if this style is annoying for…
The movie is a masterpiece, an australian white trash version of The Godfather. Could work as a series. I'll check this one out.
A rather strange attempt to tap the middle aged matrons who worship Daryl Dixon as a new target group for the gaming industry.
Way too many RIPs today. Either way, godspeed, Miss Waldo.
I've never been a LSH truther, but even I am pretty convinced now that she's showing up for the season finale. Who cares if Dondarrion is still alive. This show doesn't revisit all these plot elements and then bring Brienne and Jaime together to do basically nothing and just reinforce there bond, if they didn't have a…
I'm often surprised how cautious news sites are with spoilers for episodes that have already aired. In my opinion, once an episode is available, everything is fair game. If you haven't seen the episode yet but read articles about it, it's your responsibility. The news site shouldn't have to warn you about spoilers in…
Here's the obligatory Imogen Poots name appreciation sub-thread. You're welcome, guys.
I should contribute something meaningful but all I can think of is what a cute couple that is.
It's one of the reasons why so many republicans just love to start wars. Taking away money from the hated state and putting it into the beloved gun and military industry.
With all what happened recently (particularly the show reinforcing the bond between Brienne and Jaime), I'm also leaning towards the pro LSH side. There's also this rather dubious, leaked description for the season finale that says "Brienne meets a friend turned foe". Let's see.
I think Sansa isn't all that high on her priority list right now.
It could be. What's obvious is that the writers have fun with teasing the viewer. They were well aware that people would pick up on these coincidences during writing. It could go either way in the end. Next episode focuses on Winterfell entirely, so it's possible that Brienne runs into her during the finale. I'm just…
My impression was that they are still trapped in that dungeon, just not tied up with chains anymore. So free is relative here. But the objective was to get them to eat, so if unchaining them did the trick, I guess they're fine with being in that dungeon.
There are apparently photos depicting Olenna Tyrell in Dorne, so that's how it's going to tie in. Not that King's Landing needs the Tyrells or Dorne to go down. Cersei probably gets the job done by herself, so I don't know.
The third person is probably the genius who runs their marketing department.