
Rihanna has grown into a formidable singer as "Anti" proves (check out "Higher" or "Love On The Brain").

I think no The Walking Dead writers are involved, thankfully.

I had no idea this was actually a real job you can do, like making mixtapes for a living. I just always assumed directors, producers, crew etc. pick the songs they use on the side, not that it's actually done by professionals, let alone three people for one show. Finally I know what I'll do with my life.

Well, when you are really longing for a person and the person treats you like shit but then stops treating you like shit for a bit to get intimate with you, it can be a pretty mind-blowing experience. A lot of people are drawn to things they can't have and that feel out of reach and when all of a sudden they can have

They talk about houses, vacations and future plans, which are pretty big clues that yes, he's in it for the long haul. This apparently means nothing to this woman unless she has a ring on her finger and has signed some contract, things that have only symbolic value as opposed to the real things they talk about.

I don't understand some women's obsession with marriage. You know, you can spend a lifetime together without being married, RINGS. Ever considered your boyfriend just doesn't care about marriage?

But unfortunately Adam Levine is hot. I can't help myself.

The Oscars don't nominate comedies because Hollywood doesn't produce many good comedies anymore and The Golden Globes will notice that too once the comedy category is filled with mediocre at best stuff while some great dramas that were smuggled into the comedy category before but aren't allowed anymore will be

I've seen it in Wild Things. That's a good movie, come to think of it.

And the dark brown one looks like a turd. So it comes out as it went in.

Another talented director sucked into Hollywood's megablockbuster machine which renders almost every director not named Steven Spielberg or Peter Jackson anonymous and interchangeable.

I didn't know that this show was still on but I'm not surprised by this decision. Network television treats 90% of all female characters as disposable and interchangeable, even female leads.

I thought it's Kurt Russell.

This article suggests that she's a bigger star than she actually is. When she emerged with Mulholland Dr, The Ring and 21 Grams I was pretty certain an Oscar was in her near future, but that didn't materialize because she chose subpar roles or the right roles just weren't offered. They weren't bad, just not all-out

But at least we'll get some hunky and sexy disease victims that are also racially and sexually diverse.

I don't see any disrepect directed towards Melissa McCarthy. Her movies get good reviews when they are good (like Spy) and bad reviews when they are bad (like this new one). That's not critics being disrepectful, it's just critics doing their job.

- "We have found a pretty ideal place to hide from the apocalypse for a while, but let's get back onto our boat instead with 20 people, limited supplies and a fairly good chance to get killed by machine gun-wielding military guys trying to track the boat down!"

I want Chris dead NOW. This angsty, angry, selfish teenager stereotype is more insufferable than Lori, Andrea and Dale combined.

Everyone needs some trolling fun sometimes.

I think you should also have respect for someone when you don't like his work. Unless you consider the work in question morally reprehensible and have good reasons to think so (and no, fanboy butthurtness is not an acceptable reason).