
She reacts like any reasonable person does when these songs play somewhere in the background: apathetic and indifferent. ("Style" is pretty good though)

"She could have worked for the FBI". We have a billion dollar idea here.

Before or after she bought you the charger? And if after, did it somehow come into play during the raunchy sex?

I wanted to mock this but then Charlie Kaufman came in.

Completely unrelated note: So the Scream reviews were finally axed? I'd say this week's episode was a clear improvement.

I'm undecided if this is sweet or creepy. Or both.

Under The Dumb at least actually kinda is so horrible that it's fun. Scream is just bland and forgettable.

Well, almost every story ever told since Aristotle follows the same dramatic structure. That's not what I'm talking about. There's no art or individual style to these movies. They feel as if they were produced by committee. GOTG on the other hand was a lot more idiosyncratic and felt like a personal vision of it's

I'm so tired of superheroes. Very, very tired. It was okay when we got one or two per year but nowadays it feels like every month brings another superhero movie and everything just blurs together. Most of them are from Marvel and released in such rapid succession reveals how formulaic these movies are. I still think

I thought they quit the reviews altogether, because this show is just too damn tedious. It's not good. It's not so bad it's fun. It's just there and does nothing.

The A.V. Club
internet commenters jerking off into their own mouths

The chances for this receiving it's long overdue F are shrinking. Damn.

Newswire: Rich people pissed for not having a shot at winning a decorative object for their living room

Apparently, Jennifer Lopez is finally down to secondary roles that don't even inspire much of a mention in reviews.

Same here. Just came for the F. I'm leaving puzzled and unsure what exactly is so actively painful about this episode. Just…what?

I understand that they needed a small one and a big one in this case and that the actors maybe aren't equipped accordingly. But in other cases, how about using, you know, the real thing? Why go to such great length and additional costs with those prosthetics when the actors presumably already have what's required for

I would have been fine with a review that just tells me which man-asses (and maybe even more?) are on display to check out the respective gifs in the coming weeks. Sadly, this information is not provided here.

Spielberg's kind of a dick here, isn't he? He had it coming.

Like watching random scenes from low-rent horror movies without having any context. Doesn't work at all. Shitty job, internet.

I'm gay and I'd probably respond to Bonney Teti's flirtations. Who wouldn't? That doesn't prove anything.