Not a typo!
Not a typo!
One question — if it’s in Italy, do you get to use US Army 10th mountain division ski troops in the Alps? Asking because my granpa killed nazis on skis.
Such a fabulous show that I was actually introduced to by the Ol’ AV Club. I hope there is an appearance by Escalade!
Simply put, the show gained popularity after Hulu began streaming it in 2014, with Party Down eventually gaining a “cult classic” status...
As one of the few thousand who actually watched (and loved) this show from the beginning, I’m very excited to watch a new season. It’s disappointing, though, that the Casey character won’t be around, as the Casey-Henry relationship was part of what made the show special. I’m holding out hope that Casey shows up at…
They’re building up towards Young Avengers. This has been common knowledge for a long time now. It’s not complicated.
Hear that, kids? Never criticize anything popular.
So...if I yell “fire” in a crowded theater, that’s not protected, right?
This gave me a laugh but I’m disappointed that you didn’t manage to work in Tucker sunbathing his crotch in order to increase his masculinity. Come on, best.
Here’s hoping they lose their ass.
Well, now that the evidence has laid bare that Tucker Carlsen is willing to lie on-air about things that he knows to be false, surely the rational viewers of his news program will stop listening to him!
Again with this First Amendment shit. Yes, you have freedom of speech but not freedom from consequences of that speech.
Oh, come on! Billy Crudup as a desperate salesman? What the hell more do you want? How can this not be good?
This sounds like my kind of action. I’ll give it a watch.
If Saskatchewan, Montana and the two Dakotas broke away to form their own country - We’ll call it “Backwardistan” - a bunch of the yeehaw right-wing assholes from Alberta would move there ... leaving Alberta a better place.
Nope. Quebec is where we keep the cool urbanites, European-cred, maple syrup, and one of our best cities - Montreal.
Talk to Alberta. Premier Smith might take them off your hands. Scott Moe in Saskatchewan currently has no friends. He’d take them as well. The rest of the country... fuck no, we don’t want them. We barely tolerate Alberta (and I live in Alberta).
Yeah as a Canadian I can also confirm that we do not in fact want, nor would we accept, either of the Dakota’s into our fold.
Barbaric. I’d say give Canada both Dakotas but I like Canada and Canadians too much.