
The show definitely gets closer to Breaking Bad, but I’ve never enjoyed Kim that much. I don’t know if it’s the way she’s written, or just a charisma thing, but I wouldn’t nominate her for an Emmy.

Me and my roommate once tried to drink beer every time they said ‘Eh’.
I don’t think we made it 15 minutes into that movie without being very drunk.

I don’t recall catching Paula on a show before, but she is an absolute delight on this series.

I had the same problem with this show I originally did with Brooklyn Nine Nine.

The start is a bit too much for me. They dialed back Samberg a lot I think over the seasons, but Howerton is a bit too much for me at times.

They definitely gave him more of an arc where he grows and learns, but the kids and Oswalt/Pell

I love Courtney B. Vance and at the beginning of the episode was going to Tweet my love for George...

And then I watched the rest of the episode. I hope you’re right! I like the idea of him being a Ned Stark ‘all bets are off’ character, but also want him back on the show.

This is a very interesting article, thanks for sharing.

I just realized I’ve been visiting Kotaku and io9 for many years, and I’m still grey.

Replying to the author of a post to ask about a recommendation and you still don’t get a response doesn’t encourage return visits I’m not sure what the business plan is for these websites.

I just started playing, and as a solo player have been all three colors.

Hi, I haven’t tried this series in ages when it didn’t run so hot on my machine.

As someone basically new to the series, which one would you recommend starting out with?

I honestly thought it was Welsh or I had a stroke, which distracted me to the point I missed what this was actually about.

The scariest part of the whole episode was the racing against the Sun bit. They definitely did a good job of showing us who the real villain is pretty early.

I hate to say it, but virtual production (like on The Mandalorian) are also making it less necessary to shoot on location. (Which I love this tech, just saying it will have an impact)

As an American VFX artist living in Canada...if it goes away, it’s not coming back.

The lower costs of Canada with the insane tax credits and more favorable exchange rate made even some of the biggest studios move up here permanently.

The UK is obviously more expensive but also doesn’t pay artists overtime (huge

Whoa, what? They also took Fortnite off Google Play as well?

I’m not sure why so many stories yesterday only said it was Epic vs. Apple. As an Android user that’s good to know they’re fighting Google too.

I don’t care what anyone says, Evans was the highlight of those FF movies as Johnny Storm. Perfect casting (also as Cap of course!).

I loved him in Scott Pilgrim, glad they made the change.

I loved the first and did cartwheels around the house when I got the news I’d work on the second, so I definitely a fan (also beta tester for the Tron 2.0 video game lol).

But to me the main problem in Tron:Legacy was the protagonist. No charisma at all.

I’m sure I’ll watch this, but Leto absolutely sucked the

I love it. I travel a ton for work so only have the laptop which is due for an upgrade, so my Xbox and GamePass are awesome. I play Forza Horizon 4, Red Dead, Dragon’s Age, etc.

According to every headline I’ve seen from Fox News?


Oh that is very cool, thank you! I’d never seen it.

I love the Williams theme because I grew up with it and it’s great, but I definitely like the Zimmer theme quite a lot too. 

I haven’t played in ages, but even when the game was popular I somehow remember never being able to find a group in Stranglethorn Vale.