
Same here. I remember seeing Rocky IV in theaters as a kid and everyone got up and cheered when Rocky beats Drago (spoiler alert), I think in Anchorman with the big news battle scene people were laughing quite a bit too.

Otherwise, it’s usually in the beginning of a Star Wars or Lord of the Rings film in the beginning

Ooh, I didn’t know it was an ad campaign. Thanks for the link!

After a year or however long away, I hopped back in and uninstalled it after a few matches.

It’s much smoother, but seemed wildly unbalanced with everyone one-shotting each other and it seems like the wall hacks were still there.

As someone who enjoyed the 5 hour versions of the LotR franchise, I would welcome a longer version of this trilogy so I didn’t have to buy so many books to fill in the gaps.

It’s not baffling at all, he grew up with JJ and is in all his projects.

Talk about winning the lotto! (I do like him, it’s not his fault his pal is who he is).

I was cringing because it seemed like the minute she showed up they were trying to make them a thing, but it sort of ended up like it was the mutual bond of being ex-First Order. Which, I actually thought that was cool of them to show, other troopers quitting.

Thank you! I did not enjoy TLJ (for story reasons people), but was so happy Rey was supposed to be a nobody. The Falcon just laying around when she needed it on Jakku makes this huge universe feel so small. Like, everybody knows everybody.

And on the Rey/nobody subject I feel like that last line of hers would have been

I must be super vanilla and boring (I am) because I totally saw it as Lando offering to help her see if they were family.

I mean, it IS Billy Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian, about as smooth as it gets, but c’mon people.

And hate me all you want, if having him show up was fan service, then I’ll take it. I was so happy

Now playing

Is that where the line from Martin Lawrence in Bad Boys came from? I knew Murphy said it way back, but for some reason I’m in tears every time I hear it in the film.

Not sure I agree with the tone of this article at all.

Personally I am loving the show, and we learn a lot about his character without a single line of dialogue (pre-opening credits) rather than a whole bunch of exposition or action elsewhere.

At this point I am very surprised any corporation like Universal/NBC doesn’t have these types of public figures screened at least a little bit.

I have seen a number of reports of sort of ‘civilian’ jobs only being offered after social media and online searches of candidates.

Someone who is going to be in such a public

I do have to say I disliked the prequels very much until I read Darth Plageuis.

It’s sort of a slow burner but really shows how far back and sophisticated the plan to put a Sith in power. Maybe I just wanted to like them more, but Palpatine comes off so much more clever than the Jedi (who even in film are clearly

Not quite the same, but 15+ years in VFX I am definitely looking at doing something new.

Part of the problem if you are not in a programming-type role is the skills do not exactly translate..

I’m sorry, but as soon as I saw who’s in the picture with her I laughed. Could see where that article was headed, would’nt be good.

He was worthy the minute he jumped on that grenade in The First Avenger.

I’m still trying to figure out why dick pics are such a thing.

As soon as some of my friends join one of those sites..BAM! Just flooded. There must be some positive reinforcement for it to be so common, no?

Who knew we had it as easy as going to the bar.

That is glorious, thank you for sharing!

Also, f$#! that guy.

I’m pretty much your age and watched it last year.

I probably have to watch it again, because I came away with the impression that Lloyd was almost stalker-ish in the film. Maybe I just wasn’t in the right mood, but found it creepy if most likely honest.

This is a really cool and positive story. I hope they can keep it working.

One of my favorite scenes ever. That whole funeral was brilliant.