Now that you mention it, I feel like Diablo on mobile is the kind of thing people were afraid of with ActiBlizzard.
Their culture has changed over the years, some of the original creators have left. Combined, this just seems like a red flag.
Now that you mention it, I feel like Diablo on mobile is the kind of thing people were afraid of with ActiBlizzard.
Their culture has changed over the years, some of the original creators have left. Combined, this just seems like a red flag.
I’m not one of those that freaked, but I feel that Blizzard pushes the ‘quality’ aspect of their games and this dilutes the Diablo brand.
Mobile games can be good, but..Diablo?
They didn’t even need the doctored footage!
Last night all the cultists were on about how Acosta should be ashamed, he’s un-American, it’s assault, etc.
This is crazy, and I don’t know where the middle ground is to be found.
You have me tingly all over and I hope this is 100% true.
A reckoning! Fork him and his cronies too.
Ha! I do love some Red Dead :)
I’m not trying to be a jerk when I say that I think we passed that point a while back.
It’s like everybody got all excited watching old Westerns, wtf.
Anytime now, Mr. Mueller.
Sexual assault against minors to be more clear.
I don’t know Harris well enough, doesn’t she have all kinds of skeletons in her closet or is it just BS trolls on Twitter.
I think she’s great from what I’ve seen, but don’t know enough about her.
Florida?? ;)
So many people I know voted against Hillary more than for Trump.
Many of them are really pissed at themselves now, and probably won’t for him again. The sad part is he still has some pretty damn high numbers which is depressing all on it’s own.
Anyways, we need new candidates, a lot of folks have Clinton fatigue.
ust grow some stubble, it would be a big help.
Sadly, a lot of jobs I’ve been applying for want to know your Twitter handle, and not even jobs that are social media marketing-related.
I am definitely NOT trying to say ‘All Lives Matter’, but Twitter and Facebook don’t seem to give AF about any hate speech or anything.
I’ve reported things on both (no death threats), but clearly hate speech or intimidation, and they’re just like sorry, nope.
What Sayoc wrote is CLEARLY a threat, Twitter sucks.
I quite enjoy the show so far. I’m not that familiar with Miss Shipka as I stopped watching Mad Men fairly early on, but she’s charming as Sabrina. The show looks great, so the atmosphere is proper creepy, good music, and an excellent cast.
Miranda (Eowyn vs. Witch King) Otto is sort of over the top for me, but…
I watched both series this week and found Sabrina to be far superior to Charmed.
Michelle Gomez is definitely an automatic +1 to any grade, she’s fantastic in this. I’m biased as I thought she was the best Master. Also, the production values on this show are insane, it looks like a film, ah, everything seems better…
It’s like Constantine on Legends (maybe more last season). Every other word is ‘love’. Like we get it, you’re British! I’ve lived there, they don’t use it every other word, jeesh.
This is sort of how it went for me when I moved from LA to London and tried to get marijuana.
For one, whenever I did ask about it they’d ask if I was Walter White, then offer me some coke.
But going from being able to buy it legally to a place where I had to casually ask around, I just thought I’d come off as a…
Um, he also defrauded a state and screwed over a bunch of employees. He’s not that loved in New England (Maybe to the Trump gang).