
Is there somewhere you can find statistics like this? I would be curious how it works nationally.

Yes, part of the problem is race (not directed at your comment bachelorpod), but one major difference between the two candidates is that Trump tried to attract lower or middle class white people, while Hilary sort of blew them off and then (as we found out this past week) her campaign insulted that same group.

I haaate

This first link has info pertaining to what you’re mentioning (attacks on Bernie’s religion, etc), and the second is more what I was thinking of.

Interesting, I would have to take a look for any of the articles, as I honestly don’t recall what the whole ruckus was about (hard to keep up with this election).

I guess pointing fingers at this stage isn’t really going to do much for us now. Bleh, this election.

How dare anyone vote for anything other than TWO PARTIES!?

Yea, it’s not a two party system, sorry to disappoint.

I’m not trying to pick a fight, but didn’t one of the leaks reveal that the DNC in fact WAS screwing with Bernie?

Considering I had zero desire to watch Whiplash and ended up loving it, I’m totally down for this movie. Looks incredible.

Damn, that top map shows that not only was Boston part of the Rust Belt, it goes far enough south that my hometown was/is too? (Plymouth, Mass).

I don’t think I’ve heard the term more than once, learn something new everyday!

This election is so depressing, because I would rather vote for anyone in the above picture....anyone.

But seriously, I’d vote for either Obama this election, and would rather fight to eliminate Presidential term limits than listen about groping candidates or email servers.

How is Newt Gingrich still a thing?
So tired of this loud mouth having any kind of say in our government.


Fair enough! I just never saw Devin in that way, and something about the powerful film critic description sort of hit me sideways.

And his FDNY hat.

Wow, I’ve read his reviews for years, but never really followed him on Twitter.

While I enjoyed his reviews, I always got a sense of him being on a “high horse”, sorta preachy, and kind of a bully.

I’m not trying to be an asshole when I ask this, but what kind of power does a “powerful film critic” have? Free screenings?

I know this won’t be a popular opinion, but WTF Sox, that was terrible.

I don’t want Papi to go out like this. Getting swept out of the playoffs is not the way the man should end his career.

I don’t know if this is the appropriate place, but I’m down for any RPG recommendations on Android. I’ll definitely be checking this one out.

He looks like a serial killer in that photo!

What part of Kardashian life is NOT staged?

Is it too late to start some kind of grassroots write in campaign for Michelle? #Obama2016