
This is my biggest problem with these games. I tried DoTA and League, and playing whatever the lowest level at the time. People would freak out over things, like, hello...it’s noob vs. bots? wtf

Easily the worst aspect of those games, it deters new players.

No, that’s when it was released, it was started long before that.

Aah, please stop giving this woman any press!
Pardon my language, but f$@! this. The fact that anyone in our country is treating her like a hero is depressing.

Why shouldn’t they? You pay a player millions to play a sport, I think you can and should expect them to run the bases without having a stroke.

I’ve used the fall of Rome reference for a while now too! It’s so crazy with all the stuff we see in the media, it really feels like we’re ready to take a serious dive.

Love the country, but I wish we could round up guys like this and keep them corralled in one crazy state or something. Giant tailgate party for Nascar

Especially funny since you know..they push their agenda on the rest of the people in the country. Good ‘ol separation of church and state, hooray.

Is there a country without this religious nonsense, and the false persecution complex?

How about Canada, is it better up there? I want to give it a shot.

So people that own and love guns. That’s it? We just accept that this kind of shit is on the RISE? You can’t say this isn’t happening with more and more frequency.

Do we just roll over and accept this? I don’t get it.

If you don’t try to do anything about it, nothing will. Sorry, but the idea of getting gunned down

You say this in a world where Kardashian turned a sex tape into an empire.
Famous for a sex tape..this isn’t that far off.

I was kind of expecting/hoping if you clicked the link to this article there would be some kind of “Gotcha!” graphic.

I don’t understand that attack about him being “down for the struggle”. He had a cushy job and quit it so he could spend more time protesting, and raising awareness for a cause.

Please tell me she included a Twitter username or something, or publish her email.

Haven’t played it yet, but just made a point of buying this game. I like their style!

I had very low expectations as I thought season 1 is totally overrated, but it was definitely pretty messy.

I do think there were some pretty great moments out of Farrell, Vaughn, and McAdams though.
Kitsch however..yikes. “These contracts...have signatures all over them!”. He should fire his agent.

My friend is curious which type of yoga is good for stress/relaxation, and also weight loss.
We might have similar friends.

Right? Do other 1st world nations have this amount of nonsense? It “seems” like we are getting more cops killing citizens, random shootings (anyone see another happened in Maine this past week? didn’t make front page anywhere), it goes on and on.

I don’t know if it’s just the age of instant news, but it really seems

Religion seems like such a destructive force, and so many people do hateful things in the name of their religion or “religious freedom”. Not allowing people to marry whoever they want, or whatever else gets them worked up because of some book written thousands of years ago just makes my brain melt.

I recently worked in the UK, and trying to explain that we have people who work for $2 something and hour plus tips pretty much made their heads explode. I didn’t even have a good answer for it, and just got a lot of heads shaking at me. Honestly I think some of them thought I was lying, that it was not possible that

I do find it interesting that anyone would just go off about not getting a nomination. I guess Empire is praised, but it’s your first season, and you just assume you deserve a lot of nominations? There is a LOT of competition on television these days. Almost every one of the categories has some pretty tough calls to

Vito always gets a star.