
Spit on the prequels all you want, but III opening scene is one of the coolest Star Wars moments in screen. If only the rest was more of that and less of the rest

Yeah, the Master Race has it’s problems, but it’s still better than trying to put a random Original Xbox game into a Xbox1 which will yield even worse results.

So now we’re getting down to the narrow point - there was no vote on using Flint River water, specifically. But there is also no record of them opposing it. Flint officials were enthusiastic supporters of moving to KWA (taking an unnecessary vote to be on record for saving money), they toasted the opening of the river

I’m guessing the “New Republic Fleet” is like the “Citadel Fleet” in Mass Effect...a symbol of intergalactic cooperation meant to defend an important government location, but in no way representing the combined power of the individual member planets, which have their own problems, and therefore, their own (much

We see that Vader is internally conflicted for the first time in Empire. When Luke escapes, his reaction on the Star Destroyer bridge is a give away of where his character would go in Jedi. Kasdan brilliantly juxtaposed this to how he previously reacted to failure on the part of his subordinates. The viewer learns