Dawn Patrol1
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Wrap yourself up in a bullshit blanket and watch this:

Step away from the keyboard. Count to ten. Think upon your actions. Fuck off back to Gawker.

This guy posts this kind of shit and I’m still in the grey?

Not if you’re a normal adult or teen human with an understanding of vocabulary while also being able to understand the intent and or point the person using the word is trying to get across.

Please shut the fcuk up and wait for your whaaambulance to arrive.

Please fill this in and return it to the FBI as soon as possible.

Oh fuck you you pretentious whiney bitch. So because the sjw circle jerk told you to be offended by the word thug now it’s racist. Maybe you’re the racist one for assuming thug with black people. Go back to the fucking Gawker slime wad you came from.

Does it help that these dudes looked like white (or hispanic) guys? Don’t give in to the idiots who try to say the word “thug” is just a substitute for the N-word, just because some people use that word in that way does not mean that any use of the word is meant that way. I’m sorry, but I’ve been using that word for a

And here we see a SJW getting offended again

Hold on, dumbass. You equate the word “thug” as a stand in for the n-word, so you get butthurt that these people are called thugs. But...none of these guys look black to me. They look like thugs. Go back to your safe space. I’m sure this paragraph was a trigger for you, and for that, I apologize.

Dude, there is NOTHING racist about Thug. During some of the race protests people rightly called some of the people thugs, because they were. Then others tried to negate that by saying “thug” was code for the N-word. No. Thug is code for “violent asshole”. They come in all races.

Find your safe space, bro.

Can’t we call a thug a thug without racebaiters getting involved anymore?

Do you need your safe space? Maybe some cocoa and a blanket?

For me, it’s the heavy use of plastic panels. I know a lot of cars use plastic, even expensive ones, but the paneling on the GT-Rs looks cheap. the rear looks like an entry-level Chevrolet.


Nope. Slab-sided, ugly greenhouse.. (cool color tho). You'd think after ten years they'd be a little more adventurous with a refreshing.

I think it looks like a proper sports car after it has been stung by 40,000 bees.


I mean it is just a 911 with stripes. It looks great, but it’s not like I was surprised by its appearance.

The whale shark of the supercar world