Dawn Patrol

Congrats on the 10 wins but i’d bet my life earnings that not only the streak ends in the next four games but that the Sabres are due for an a very difficult December... Next four games are Tampa(away), Florida(away), Nashville(away) and Toronto, not to mention they don’t get out of December before playing Florida

I hate everything that this car aspires to be.

Comments still here, so thats a...No?

What a win this is. This guy was grinding, finding a way to create a profit and if the city wants to retroactively make a law keeping him from doing this, then fine, but the idea that someone could be punished for something that in no way breaks a concrete law is dangerous. In my eyes this guy is a champ, and to all

Exactly, why would anyone looking for a mid-sized pickup ever chose a Colorado or Taco over this for any other reason then brand loyalty. Your last comment nails it, this is something that has virtually no equivalent in the market, and that will work aggressively in this favor. yeah it may cannibalize some Wrangler

Just a disclaimer, I will not be purchasing one of these, but all the hot takes claiming this thing won’t sell are frankly bewildering. The fact that anyone would utter Honda Ridgeline in the same sentence as this vehicle completely invalidates any argument against it. I have spoken to quite literally 100+ people who

Your position would only really hold water if the number of people who wanted to, knew how to or were being taught to drive a manual was remaining constant, but its not. If anything its continuing to decrease quickly. It doesn’t make financial sense for companies to continue to make these vehicles, especially since

Don’t ever, for any reason, ever, no matter what, no matter where, or who, or who you are with, or where you are going, or where you’ve been, ever, for any reason whatsoever...buy a 15+ year old BMW with this much custom work done... EASY CP

Now if only Ford a fix for the genius level Raptor owners hitting 50 foot motocross jumps...padded cells?

How TF is Reagan in the top 10?! Its drop off and pick-up lines were made by blind people and the airport is hardly large enough for amount of traffic it gets. This list was made by people use buses and trains.

Spot on, I love the Denver airport and use it frequently. With its architecture it is arguably one of the most unique airports with the most character. This is awful.

Not sure if you are watching the wrong hit but regardless of what you think the intent was or how it should be handled, Malkin’s shoulder CLEARLY dropped and drove up through what ended up being the face.

You’re going to get a lot of hot heads here that want to yell over whether this should or should not be illegal in their eyes based on intent, direction and hockey experienced based rationality, but sadly that’s hardly relevant anymore. In full disclosure I am a huge caps fan and hate to see my guys go down but I feel

You nailed this, We’ve watched Westbrook pull this shit time and time again, especially with BMW. They are pandering to the poorly thought out, baseless widely held opinions that have been perpetuated for years. Its the same mentality that causes people to bitch when every car isn’t a Miata.

Negative Dollars, LOL well put sir, have your star.

Came here to vote CP after reading only the title, saw it had 96K on the OD....Can I vote CP twice?

CP and frankly it has to boil down to buying a German Vehicle with 80K+ on the OD. That’s really all there is to see here. If you want a cheaper, newer alternative with less that 50K miles, look for a used current gen Q7, not beautiful but much more bang for buck there.

I know iDrive was rough on the get go, and when I say rough I mean it was unusable in the early implementations...but recently, I’d say since at least 2010, its been arguably one of the best, and always in the the top 5, usually top 3 for consumer reports....

Ironically, this action is Illegal, or at least it is in VA. I actually had a cop pull me over because I tried to merge when the lane was ending and he honestly floored it to close the gap, but I had to come over. It was amazing how quickly his tone changed once I informed him that by the letter of the law he was the

THIS is the title of the book detailing what drivers are like in Maryland outside of DC. If you see a Maryland tag ever, anywhere, for any reason, star far away, chances are they are a rancid asshole.