Dawn Patrol

Wasn’t going to dignify this with a response but there is just so much wrong here...I never said no one cares, go back and read the comment, I said I’m tired of seeing people read this articles and post about how it won’t corner, or it’ll be driven by 60 year old retirees and simply complain about how they think the

If there was a counter point to what I said that i could get behind it’s this. I do agree, I feel like 1-3 teasers would have been fine but where are we now, in the 20's?

The Jalopnik world has taken a turn for the worse...here we have Mopar make all be it pointless and batshit crazy cars simply because they can and saying fuck it to the financial aspect of the situation, this would be a young boys dream. They are literally just dumping money into fantasy fan boy projects and creating


I have to say I was surprised that the bus driver didn’t do shit except say, “stay calm” and actually suggest that people stay in the bus... this is terrible advice, I mean I understand that you don’t want people panicking and jumping out the windows but I’m going to wager that you also don’t want them to stay on the

Couldn’t agree with you more...with all this talk of “vetting” we should be vetting people over the age of maybe, 65, to see if they possess the physical and mental capability to drive a car. I mean in no way shape or form am i even suggesting that this man did this intentionally, but if you had told me that the guy

I’m not sure what your argument is here. All you’ve done is simply acknowledge what I’m saying. Is that if an individual truly feels like they should be the opposite gender, there is no known pentameter way to change their genetic make up, they can only alter their physical form and take hormones. I’m not disagreeing

This completely incorrect. If what you’re saying were correct in anyway, that sex was truly determined by phenotypic characteristics, then removing the genitalia of an individual would render them gender neutral, which couldn’t be farther from the truth. Gender is completely determined by chromosome make up and is

Again, the fall back here is to call me an asshole, there by taking the focus off the self proclaimed holistic stance your taking and putting it on the fact that you can’t engage in report without insulting another individual.

It’s simply not that black and white and those people such as yourself who try to make it that way simply continue to perpetuate the hate you so firmly try and attack and prevent by painting such a broad brush stroke. This whole idea of “actual Identity” is, I’m sorry, complete and utter bull shit...The individual be

You know what F*** all these guys trying to shit on this article. Tom I want to applaud you for this. This is actually truly useful advice and I as a Jalopnik reader very much appreciate it. Jalopnik writers have taken a lot of flack recently for injecting politics into their articles and yet when you come out and

Holy Shit calm the hell down...nobody is being a bigot, not once did he say “transgender people suck”, “Trans-gender people shouldn’t have rights” or “trans-gender people are less significant than myself”. Stop trying to get offended by everyone and everything. The issue here is that a lot of people in today’s

The argument being made here is that gender is not a personal decision is a biological make up...you can chop off a member and pump yourself full of hormones but scientifically you are a man without a sexual organ with a little excess estrogen..that doesn’t change genetics. Its ironic how our society relies on science

Unfortunately I think you have your internet forum blinders on with this one...in social media and journalism it certainly seems life “it has already come” but get out from behind your computer screen and you will realize this is far from the truth. I guarantee you the majority of our nation does not feel as you do.

Not the point here...she’s being pretty hypocritical, stating we should respect the desire of one individual to be called a woman but the desire of those who disagree is rendered invalid...

If this is the level you have to stoop to to force others to see things your way, its frankly pathetic...”think like me because I could ban you”, Holy shit get over yourself. You should be stripped of Admin rights for saying shit like that. If you’re truly an admin, make your point then rise above those who are

Exactly...I was about to wonder if I was the only one who didn’t want to help this girl...waste of time

Yep, you are definitely reading too far into it...hell it doesn’t even make sense. Had it not been for inter-team tampering Hamilton would have taken it again this year....

Amen Tavarish

Ah we are definitely on the same page with everything you just said. While it may cause drama, you’d be arguable giving the driver with the most up and coming talent one of the best cars and the results would be tremendous. However I think I would prefer Riccardo over Max or any of the other drivers at this point,