Dawn Patrol

Sweet Jesus, don’t be that guy....

Geely OWNS Volvo....how can “own” sound right there...

Is it just me or does this video make 0-60 speeds of under 2 seconds seem more obtainable than it actually is? I mean if the formula was really just AWD, 600 HP, low weight(5hp per pound) and differential angles, wouldn’t we see these numbers more frequently in high end super cars?

This, all day this...

Both locations were required by all the manufactures involved...It was their way of establishing fair consistency in tests(most likely primarily headed by McLaren and Ferrari since they wouldn’t stop bitching about things being “Fair”, seemed Porsche couldn’t give less of a shit.)....all three of the cars were the

I cannot believe anyone actually says this about Hillary?! Look at the Clinton Foundation man! Its a personal slush fund for the both of them! They take in money from anyone corrupt enough to give money to a charity, that isn’t a charity at all, in exchange for favors, and the Clintons do with it what they please. I

HAHAHA ‘nough said, dude owns a Ridgeline and calls it a truck...

Amen, case and point that the American people should realize...

Anybody with half a brain can see that Liberal Economic polices fail and have created a huge bubble...at this point its about keeping Hillary out.

Sadly these days if you go to Jeep and buy anything except a Wrangler expecting to get any kind of Jeep DNA, you will be disappointed. I mean fuck, the Grand Cherokee is a Mercedes M class for christ’s sake and its primarily driven by Pre retiree 65 year old men( I swear, just startpaying attention to every one you

“Just funny to see someone insanely abuse a service just so they can say “See! Someone could insanely abuse this!” I look forward to the insightful take on whether or not it’s smart to stick a wet finger in a light socket over and over....”

Thank god there isn’t a Tech Blogger’s Union out there. You guys are the biggest bunch of whining, illogically, bitchy people out there. Tech bloggers blog about the progression of technology and society, Apple is using the progression to be more efficient. Deal with it, you’re becoming obsolete.

Oh but don’t you know? These kinja writers like Ashley Feinberg have to find something to write about and claim apocalyptic failure on so that they can attempt to remain relevant. These days people are more concerned with protecting people from themselves, then calling them to be responsible for their own actions.

A-fucking-Men, I had a 2013 335i M sport that I stupidly equipped with the halogens. I sold it a week after that DOT report came out that said they have the worst stock halogens for sedans on the market(for other reasons, like BMW reliability rivals that of a Geo tracker). Turned around and bough a 2015 Sarah

Whether or not it will work isn’t the issue, its the cars themselves that are deterrents and what they stand for. The day will never come when anyone can convince me to trade my Jeep Wrangler for a damn Nissan Leaf.

I think that in comparison to most other countries our police situation really may be described as heaven because while still not perfect at all, we seem to be free of the huge corruption that other countries face with their law enforcement. That is except for Louisiana, where the first thing you hear when pulled over

Being a Pioneer or trail blazer does not make you one of the 10 greatest car designers of all time. You make the list by designing the best cars not by overcoming social standards. So by definition, if we are talking truly the best 10 baseball players of all time based on skill, Jackie Robinson should not be on the

Its a list of the top TEN auto designers! By definition it should be fucking narrow! If the criteria were wider we would have a nonsensical, inconsistent list where designer of the incredible E-type Malcom Sayer, was followed by a woman who only worked on auto interiors.

Your rationale in #8 is somewhat pathetic and defines many of the social problems we deal with today. The fact that you even thought the racial and sexual homogeneousness of the list was inappropriate, is ridiculous. Don’t apologize that the top ten auto designers in history are in fact all white males, because most

Sounds Like a great business idea right there, where do i sign up...