
I LOVE this.

It’s arguable whether that could be considered customary law at this point, but I actually think they’re right not to make that push right now. International law riles up the far-right something fierce. We shouldn’t give them an excuse to shift the subject to other conspiracy theories, but keep the camera directly on

This is how we actually get the news media to cover this stuff. Which is how we get the American people to also pay attention. Showboating works well for Trump and his cronies for a reason; it drives the national conversation.

And will be, shortly- by one, at least. I’m heading over to join this as soon as I’m off work shortly.

“Rep. Joe Crowley collapsed. The congressman’s reps said Crowley felt faint due to possible heat exhaustion.”

Symbolic stuff like this can mean a lot more than our (admittedly justified) cynicism sometimes leads us to think. Even though the actual risk to any one of them is low, they’re still taking a very public stand. That matters. Think about how the far-right talks about shifting the Overton window. This is the same. If

Sounds like all the more reason to vote... while you still can.

Right now, stopping the hemorrhage takes priority over setting the broken bone. If great progressive leaders show up in the process of brooming out the extreme right, great. But if we keep sitting on our hands while waiting for them to show up, it’ll be too late.

Except, as I’ve already stated, there are plenty of federal judges out there who have been perfectly willing to tell him to go screw.

You guys are already there. Don’t think of the Nazis, think of American history: what is happening in the ‘deportation centers’ is no different than what was happening with the Japanese internment camps during WWII, in essence. It’s the same institutionalized dehumanization of people.

I don’t see fear as a bad thing. Fear is natural. It’s how you deal with it that matters. I fear fire, which is why I take precautions when I have a bonfire in my backyard. I fear a ductatorship, which is why I rally against shit like this.

I want to say something defiant and flippant. But really, I’m just going to keep on speaking up against this shit at the top of my lungs. And if they come after me? I’ll fight the fuckers. I might lose my life, but at least I won’t lose my soul.

Oh, Lord. My stomach curled up a bit when I finished your sentence.

And isn’t deporting people’s grandmas really what America is all about?

Its a damn shame, too. So many good people have already been harassed/deported/threatened and jailed. And now this gov is extending its reach inside the borders to do more of the same. They’ll set up a hotline so that folk can rat on neighbors as their next step I’m guessing.

How’s it feel to now live in the dead fucking center of the Axis of Evil?

Ah, the next step. Well, we all know what comes after, natural born citizens with a skin color or religion the Trump administration doesn’t like will be sent to “freedom camps”.

Wait ... is that why we haven’t seen Melania in a while? Did she get deported for lying on her green card application?