
We really are just the stupidest country...

I generally steer clear of Kardashian posts. Regardless, I felt like chiming in on this. Here’s someone who did something really well and the conversation still turned to her looks. I thought it was a shame.


she can do whatever the fuck she wants!

I just loved that her nails were blue, her suit and eyeshadow were red, and then her hair.... HER FUCKING HAIR! was the white part of the flag. This lady. That’s some ridunculous shit there.

Right after the National Anthem, I turned to my wife and said, “That’s terrible of the camera man to make the flyover look blurry.” She said, “Here’s a tissue, dear.” It was beautiful.

Bey didn’t almost fall - gravity momentarily forgot who it was fuckng with.

okay Beyonce was amazing... but can we talk about Lady Gaga for a second? our national anthem is known among singers for being a bitch and a half, and girl NAILED it without breaking a sweat. I was seriously impressed.

White people who compare mild to moderate situations/annoyances to MLK’s struggle are the fucking worst.

Oh my god, that story makes it a million times better! Buster is such a fabulous sassy pants. My poor Whisks just has to settle for phone pictures as I coo at him and disturb his sleep.

He’s actually really annoyed in that picture :-) It was professionally taken*, and the photographer had a really awesome quacking stuffed duck toy. Buster was NOT PLEASED that we expected him to stop playing with it and stand on a board and do nothing. So he’s glowering at the camera in all the pics, which just cracks

That bear is best bear, grandly carrying on the tradition of fucking with dipshit humans who fuck with bears.

Not until February. I’ll stay optimistic through the holidays.

I vote no on the Michonne/Rick hookup. 1) I feel like they seem more like brother/sister than a couple. 2) I like her WAY too much to wish Rick on her.

I’m going to have to argue that Carl’s hat is doing the Lord’s work in trying to cover Carl’s fucking awful haircut.

It’s a legitimate medical condition that more people should be aware of. It’s not like I sent you to look for photos of penile degloving. (Google it.)

I stopped reading when you used the phrase ‘cager’ as part of your tirade.

I know the laws for “slower traffic keep right” exist. That doesn’t mean on a two lane road that the “cager” is obligated to pull over for anyone.

a) You probably don’t ride. Believe me, there are plenty of places that are unsafe for a car to pass where it’s no problem for a bike (either due to the bike being able to do the pass or simply because of things like better sightlines due to lane positioning etc). So it comes down to The Law vs. common sense, being