Oh, that's just all wrong! Prinze & Cook over Stiles & Ledger!? You're mad, I say! Mad!
Ummm- but the colloquialism IS super condescending..... I think that is the issue. She may think she is using it in a different, cutesy way- but I'm sure that would not come across as easily in text.
It’s an old colloquialism that has dramatically shifted in meaning and tone from when it was coined. Even in the South we would not consider this term casual. When directed at a superior or colleague it is perceived as dismissive, and potentially emasculating if the subject is male. A Georgia “Peach” as an identifier…
I live 10 minutes from his office. People here are fucking PISSED.
Let him figure out the logistics of protecting the lives he’s responsible for after he exposed his nauseating cruelty. He opened this door and sympathy is notttt walking through it.
I kept scrolling and it wouldn’t stop. Thought maybe I was dead and in purgatory.
On Talking Dead they were discussing how Governor & Martin were in hell and Bob, Beth, Lizzie, and Mika were in heaven... I immediately looked to my husband and was like "uhhh.. Lizzie was a sociopath. I'm pretty sure she would NOT have gotten into heaven." Then again I'm not religious so not 100% sure how the…
"Taking a selfie with Jesus" sounds like a euphemism for someone dying.
I spent part of a bachelorette party flattening out all the dollar bills for the stripper.
oh god what if the kid got away with like
Burt, I usually agree with you. But I posted this earlier in a different thread and feel it bears repeating here. ....
I'm clearly in the minority here, and I don't know Jared whatshisname outside of being Dean on "Gilmore Girls", and I'm sure his PR people tore him a new one. But he does have a point. Honestly, PSH…
Psh TV scheduling is for olds. I watch all my shows at the funky cool new time of whenever the heck I want.