Dawn Davenport

Alice Nelson was more famous for her pork chopsh and appleshauce (they were schwell). But she really outdid herself on that camping trip. When no one caught any fish, she magically produced a picnic basket filled with the most delicious fried chicken, assorted breads and deli meats. It was a loaves and fishes type

"There's cold past' in the fridge, Tony"

Rocky Sullivan died yellow!

Me too. I have tried and tried to like his movies, but I actually end up getting angry (with myself maybe??), because I just don't get what exactly is so great about them. The only one of his movies I really enjoyed was Mr. Fox.

Have you ever seen "Hair"?? Unbelievable songs and choreography

The Peanut Butter Conspiracy Is Spreading

"Just because I speak of buffalo does not mean I don't understand 'blast off'"

He was rescued from a fire by Corey Booker

And I always thought Tony had a slight lisp in the early episodes that went away.

This episode was so great. Not only the college/rat whacking parts, but Father Phil's sleepover with Carm, leading to these classic lines:

Maureen and the Duke were lifelong friends; she even had a special room just for him when he visited her in her Caribbean home. I love her spunk in so many roles- she did all her own stunts in The Quiet Man, as well as in the Errol Flynn pirate movies. And she's still with us, well in her nineties!

Next you'll be telling me that "Teddy" never existed.

I will only watch this if BIG ANG is involved.

The Whitney Houston version is sublime

Guess you didn't see "Christopher," or "Johnny Cakes"

ITA. He always held Sopranos fans in utter contempt, and the non-ending was the ultimate FU to those of us that had invested many years in the show. Was it too much to offer some kind of closure? Don't give me some pretentious bullshit reason about art imitating the ambiguity of life, it wasn't real life shithead!

He did a whole video on the subject #wordcrimes

And it was Dwight Yokum, not Tom Petty, for cripes sake

Archie McPhee is the greatest! I buy this weird stuff every year as Christmas stocking stuffers/gag gifts. The bacon flavored dental floss actually got my son to floss regularly.

Yes! It was The Suitcase II!