Dawctor Krieger

I like how you underplay the fact that they turned LBJ into a mustache twirling villain like it doesn't matter. It does matter. It makes the movie into a revisionist piece of garbage that apparently couldn't stand portraying the truth; that a white, southern President deserved a great deal of the credit for the

In the mid eighties I wrote a fan letter to Neil Peart, and to my stunned, near-seizure inducing surprise, I actually received a hand written post card reply from Neil himself!! The image on the front of the card was a photo of Neil playing his classic set with the equally classic 2112 Star symbol on the bass drums.

You people realize video games aren't real, right? Generations from now people will marvel at this period in history when many people re-defined harassment as ugly comments on the internet, or something happening in a computer generated game. But what will shock them the most is how folks like Sarkeesian would claim

"Dear Black People, Please Stop Using Asian-Americans As Human Punching Bags"

Asian Americans came to America in the late 19th century with no wealth or power. They were discriminated against, brutalized, segregated & had no recourse or basic rights.

If you are white, you are racist. Period. Anything good in your life is a bi-product of the ongoing oppression of black people, and any success or happiness you experience during your time on Earth is thanks to the privelege you are born with thanks to 400 years of butality against black people.

Since it's OK to address people as a group, I am going to make a movie called:

Awesome! Another movie that "pokes fun at the foibles of a privileged white America" !!

I am really trying to care about a group of "agents" for a government agency that, well….isn't a really a thing anymore. I mean, I guess it's a decent show, but the work these "agents" are doing could be done by a special, well funded unit of the NYPD. It's like a watcing Law & Order SVU, but SVU is attached to a

I loved the pilot. The fun, wide eyed vibe is such a nice change of pace from some other shows. Looking at you, "Agents of [Division that no longer exists]" —

I don't know about DC, but in the Marvel universe any kind of radiation in massives doses makes you totally awesome. When in real life it literally destroys your chromosomes causing your skin, and then even your muscles to literally melt from your bones. Yay!