Crack is whacked.
Perry the Platypus would be a sneaky great pick.
+1 Istanbul (or is it Constantinople?)
This morning, Barry described last night’s game as more intense than the score indicated, writing that even though the Indians never really threatened the lead, they were constantly threatening to threaten it. It’s defensive plays like the two Heyward made that allow for such a distinction to be made.
Rodgers: “What about this coach? Maybe we could try this for next season!”
They had to move him down to Storage B. They have some new people coming in and they need all the space they can get.
As one source explained it, ESPN’s decision to bring back Trent Dilfer after his contract had expired and it appeared he [be] would leaving arose in part from Jackson’s decision to leave.
Urban’s plight is highlighted by his vanishing upward mobility.
Miami doesn't mind.
Michael Crichton couldn’t have written it up any better.
Snowball with the burn at roomtemperature.
Unfortunately, the Bobbitt head didn’t make the cut.
...and so canned too.
Black Mamba Blocked After Bleak Mambo