“Nnnnnh, peppermint roll!”
“Nnnnnh, peppermint roll!”
In case you’re not up on your British slang:
Based on his tweet, LaPlaca is obviously a dictator. But he needs a new amanuensis.
You know, I never even noticed the took it away until I saw you mention this. It was the only punting stat that I thought mattered as a kid, we used to go out in my back yard and have contests to see who could get the longest hang-time, which never ended in fights about how to time it and how long someone’s actual…
Heel be missed.
It’s a real shame. Haven’t seen talent like that since, well, Mr. Ed Reed.
Hey that’s great, but who are the cheifs?
So is this where I’m supposed to talk about my fantasy team?
That’s right, Henderson should have followed his conscious.
Okay, then it’s their fault for making it so confusing!
Charlotte, Charlottesville. What’s in a name anyway.
Nope, just head. Shoulders are about even.
Thanks for the heads up. I did not pick up on the Old School reference. I was so confused why they would bring fried chicken into it.
+1 poca de gracia
Exactly, he should be able to gauge the situation better than that. Now he has a target on his back.
How do you catch a cheater? The Thames way, unique up on it.
As they say in the South, Gator done!