Given that the only other attention she received was cops showing up to her house and telling her mother that she should just cut her off from the outside world, I’m pretty sure that you can go fuck yourself.
Given that the only other attention she received was cops showing up to her house and telling her mother that she should just cut her off from the outside world, I’m pretty sure that you can go fuck yourself.
Speaking of Eddie Murphy, he has said he wouldn’t make those jokes these days, and that he was (his words) “kind of an asshole” when he was making stuff like Raw.
Comedy is a competitive business like any other. If you refuse to keep up with evolving tastes and sensibilities, doesn’t bitch if you find yourself being…
He spent a good chunk of Sticks and Stones complaining about how he can’t make those jokes anymore, then proceeded to make those jokes. I can’t say I was offended or outraged; I was just bored and slightly annoyed at listening to the whining of an extremely wealthy man who’s really only upset that his dated, uncreative…
It’s more like being a grown man seeing a container labeled “toxic waste”, thinking it’s exactly what you’ve always wanted—in spite of both the label and the many warning stickers in several languages affixed to it, as well as the two fences you had to climb over to get to it—only to open the valve and realize it was…
Yep, that one. The one that Biden caused by not believing hard enough in the invisible hand of the market.
That’s messed up, yo. That’s Kafkaesque.
Seriously. What a bad take.
I’m imagining Goering proclaiming in Bobby Hill’s voice, “I’ve got GOUT!”
I just threw up a little, thanks.
I’m not a 2A absolutist, but the operative part of the amendment is “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” The “well regulated” part is basically a preamble or preface, providing a reason to recognize the right to bear arms as a right in the first place. It has no bearing on what the…
If you see Marc Thiessen’s name in the byline, you can safely assume the article is a waste of pixels and/or paper.
Trump isn’t relevant to the plot and his appearance to begin with was part of a deal the filmmakers made to shoot on his property.
For fuck’s sake. This is no more part of the “historical record” than Confederate monuments are.
Holy hell, that’s a laughably terrible article (well, it’s the Post). A Trump supporter (a LEO, no less!) is murdered by other Trump supporters, and this Schmitz thinks it makes the left look bad when they hold him up as someone who was killed by extremists incited by the President while he carrying out his lawful and…
I wouldn’t call it whataboutism. It’s for sure a double standard. Obama got dragged for wearing a tan suit. Trump gets the benefit of the doubt even when there is no doubt whatsoever.
Susan Collins is a waste of space. But anyone who’s been paying attention already knows that.
They weren’t listening when Donald Trump proudly declared that he didn’t like losers who became casualties of war. They were the only people in the goddamned world who could not reconcile Trump’s body of work with the “revelation” that he thought people who went into the military to begin with were losers; everyone…
That sixth one annoys the piss out of me.
It’s a self-coup. Case closed.
Everyone knows that when you put a fire out, the next step is to disband the fire department and destroy all the fire extinguishers.
Well, he is obviously a sleeper agent. Heck, Bill Clinton probably gave the personal go-ahead to install him (after consulting with the prophet Muhammad’s preserved head, the King of the Jews [no, not that one; the other one the MSM doesn’t want you to know about], Dixosm’ll LXIX of the Galactic Pedophilion Empire,…
Okay, look, maybe it wasn’t Antifa people who actually went in, but they acted as agents provocateurs and tricked good, honest patriots into storming into the capitol by telling them there were children being raped and given forced abortions right there in the House chamber at that very moment. Now tell us you…