
Too many people defending Nintendo on this. It was their update plus not following the USB-C standards that have been talked about by Benson Leung of Google when cheap cables were running amuck. Granted you can talk about unlicensed products all you want, but when Nintendo wasn’t honest with their customer from the

How bizarre... for some reason your post is just a large blank white space. I wonder how that happened? ...

The guy who doesn’t know how to use commas, and is angry at someone being appalled by victim blaming of minors, wants someone else to stay in reading comprehension class. THAT’S RICH.

What a cracker-ass comment

Unrealistic things in a Far Cry game!? Naaah...

I think you miss how “mean words” quickly becomes “literal fucking policy”. I mean if you want to be a black dude reinforcing white supremacy, be my guest but expect no sympathy.

For me at least, as an African American who has played games for decades and develops them, the community just doesn’t seem inviting. So many PC games rely on voice chat or lots of team communication, but in most of those games the last thing I want to do is communicate with most of the players.

The PS4 games are both games I’ve come close to buying a bunch of times, and that’s the ideal type of PS+ game.

“I saw a black person do this once” Okay, that’s not helping anything.

Are you suggesting that the exports community isn’t actively antagonizing I colored (and specifically black) and female persons? And that’s not a cause of the lowered numbers?

I never pre-order games, after playing the first one I immediately pre-ordered this when it I was able to.

Oh I actually meant the inverse! Intentionally paying full price so as to support the Devs a bit more.


Who knew that voting for the Republicans who have been so transparent about not caring about taking away our freedoms and raising our taxes and cutting our access to education and health care would end up destroying the internet?

lol... yeah probably with all this publicity he going to just get a lot new subscribers. So in the end they just did him a favor actually.

Most likely it’s the type of person who likes to feel important. I’d wager he did work at EA and possibly still does but not for EA directly. It’s probably a contract job as the two fields covered in the story was data entry and QA...many of those positions are just contract. This would also jive with why Jason

He never stated the final time kept was a week. He stated, at a point in the article, it had been a week. Then, obviously, more time passed. Later in the time line “one morning” came to be, and then it was returned. The final amount of time was never stated, but clearly at least one more day.

You could add my gym membership to the end of that list.

You could have just titled this “Tyrese Gibson quits Fast and Furious franchise”

On the other hand, why should I give two shits what right wing publications think about anything whatsoever?