That’s not how it works.......
That’s not how it works.......
All I’ll say is you could not pay me any amount to move to Florida.
So they’re gonna milk this clearly. A hardcover book in this day and age with only 128 pages is bullshit.
Pepe Le Pew is a sexual predator and should not be on the list. That is all.
Absolver for PS4 and Zero Escape for Vita?? Dooooope
Damn, I’m back in. This sounds really good
I’ve been reading game reviews all my life and I’m over 30. I have never expected to see or been upset to not have the reviewer mention price. If they mention platform then it’s reasonable to expect me to seek out the rest of the info if I’m interested in the game. But hey, maybe it’s just me. Not bashing anyone over…
You’re pretty sensitive about a nothing article. Everything alright at home?
C’mon, dude. When I read an article about a product I don’t expect every piece of info to be spoon fed to me. It’s one thing if he didn’t mention the platform. The author notes that the game is available on Switch, Steam, Xbox and PS4, should I expect a seperate link for each? Why is it any leg work that a consumer…
So you were told the name of the game and that it’s on Steam but somehow that wasn’t enough......
That Doomfist skin is dooope
Yikes. Or it’s because men and women are in completely separate leagues? As for your smash comment, what info do you have that “women aren’t good enough”? Because someone isn’t confident or feel supported to enter and compete doesn’t prove that their particular group isn’t talented. How sexist can you fuckin be?
Don’t care that much, chief. It’s a general question that I asked to a comment board as a means of discussion. Clearly tho, you’re very invested. I appreciate your useless ass comment.
Maybe I’m dumb, but doesn’t Twitch have to right to let whoever it wants use it’s platform? How would you have the grounds to sue? What’s the difference between a store posting that they reserve the right to refuse service to anyone? It’s not like this is due to his race or gender......
I love how many people are in the comments trying to argue against the law. If you hate the possible fines and jail time, um maybe don’t fucking cheat! You can’t break laws or rules then try to bitch that the disciplinary action is too harsh.
apparently the local dealerships in Oakland CA didn’t get the memo. I’m not seeing the prices dropped this low.
Hey, man. I don’t put anything past these corporations nowadays.
Hmm that’s interesting, I haven’t used a Nyko product since the Xbox 360 days
Exactly, that’s all I’m saying. Nyko didn’t know when they made the product that Nintendo would cause it to be incompatible with the Switch. A company not supporting a third party product and a company actually forcing it to not work are the two different issues I think a lot of people are missing.
Because Nintendo’s update caused it to malfunction? My statement has nothing to do with Nintendos obligation, it’s the fact that the consumer is upset at Nyko when, to my knowledge, the product was working fine before. Yo can still blame someone even if they don’t claim responsibility.