Harm others. Interesting choice of words.
Harm others. Interesting choice of words.
I wonder if the Women’s March on Washington will be as large as the March For Life is every year?
By and large = my stereotypical view of whoever disagrees with my position?
Of course higher abortion rates for minorities in no way relates to fear of a black/brown planet?
Sign shows complete lack of basic knowledge of biology.
I take it you are in favor of women wielding the power of life and death over unborn children who occupy their womb? Why not extend it a few more months?
That is the general pro-life position.
15.5 million killed since 1973 is not genocide?
Not following Trump campaign closely. I must have missed the racist part.
That’s not how it works.
Where is abortion in the Constitution again?
I must have missed the part about legal public stoning and women’s testament in court no be equal to men.
Obviously interested in demonizing the opposition instead of having a reasoned conversation.
Not we shouldn’t kill innocent children in the womb?
Said no pro-lifer ever
Just to make sure he doesn’t pick up anyone disgusted with Trump who thought of voting Democrate?
Can you point me to where it was debunked?
Maybe they’ll deal with it by not ending an innocent human life?
See WWII history under fire bombing.
Because politicians should be judged by there swift response via social media to a devoloping, not yet defined tragedy.