
But.... but... peopel don’t want “Conan the Barbarian” instead they want “Conan the Tumblr White Knight”.

I agree with you for the most part. The top comment on here is about Destiny, and I had a similar experience as that person. I played it a long time, and then slowly realized I didn’t like it and gave up on it. I’m not entitled to a refund.

They actually do this for cars made under specification, much like NMS being a scam. They’re called “recalls” and they even fix it for free!

Part of the appeal for some children could be that Ash isn’t the best, and the show is probably trying to teach lessons about being a sore loser. Okay, fine. Part of the point of having Ash constantly lose is that it’s easy for kids to plug into the show whenever. This is Ash, a good kid, and he always loses.

Yes those poor women always vastly underrepresented on cosplay picture compilations.

If only there was a voice for these poor, marginalized females because no one on the internet anywhere every pays attention to a woman who is cosplaying.

Truly this needed to be a women-only gallery. Keep fighting the good fight.

Holy hell, people. Read my post and quit telling me to read the article when you guys clearly didn’t understand what I said. But, here, I’ll help you out...

When this woman is inevitably fired for being an idiot, I am sure the internet will embrace her as a unique individual who simply wants to express herself.

Team Edge here. Since this has devolved into speculative armchair psychology, I’m going to go ahead and diagnose him online from a one-word scare quote with severe depression for which he’s redirecting blame toward a company which continues to reward him and entice him to go all-in on their virtual world while his

You people are pussies. Random shirtless black guy challenges me to something, I don’t call security, I stare him down, crack my knuckles, say “challenge accepted,” and square off. I even throw up my hand to halt security if necessary.

Are you saying he’s not an Asian guy

I’m in a wheelchair and if anything this game has gotten me outside more. As a kid I was outside on my power wheelchair hanging out with friends, but now that I’m older I don’t have a ton of motivation to go outside because I can’t play sports or do most outdoor activities. This pokemon game puts most pokemon in

It’s hilarious to me that the people who are most outraged by speedruns they don’t consider “legitimate” are ones who have absolutely nothing to do with the speedrun community.

If by hitting your console with a baseball bat you could manipulate the way the game ran in such a way that you could reliably bring it to the game’s ending, then it would be an accomplishment.

“It’s stupid, and no one is impressed.”