I never understand this kind of comment. Violent people view everyone as prey, men moreso than women.
I never understand this kind of comment. Violent people view everyone as prey, men moreso than women.
If that is your world view, you can justify just about anything.
Men are afraid that women will laugh at them, women are afraid that men will kill them.
The comments section:
But Kesha, in 2011, swore under oath that Dr. Luke did not rape or abuse her. What was there to investigate?
LOL. No. Men get yellow cards for taking off shirts too.
But the top comments are all jokes though, and questions about why what about the dick made it such a photo op.
How do you mean? The top comments are all jokes.
He’s a biker.
Designed by Navy Seals, not for Navy Seals. This was a civilian obstacle course. Calm down.
Fucking sucks, man. I’ve heard many stories like yours.
The people involved are unreasonable. In Florida last year, a 9 year old was threatened with sexual harrassment charges for writing a love letter to a classmate.
None of this makes him guilty of sexual assault. The justice system found him not guilty of sexual assault. So now his enemies appeal to the mob for punishment? Are people next going to tweet about how he doesn’t like puppies and never tips his waitresses? This is regressive behaviour.
Shit, it was the girl that grabbed the boys butt. I was hoping it would be the boy jailed for sexually assaulting some poor girl so we could cheer about how finally this “boys will be boys” shit will not fly anymore.
This is ridiculous. Of course they are going to look into your recollection of things. That’s what cross examination is. Who was giving them legal counsel? Furthermore, how can you expect a court to convict someone of a crime and punish him accordingly, based on your testimony if your testimony is not clear,…
But he is right. There is a vocal set of people who are committed to “believing survivors/accusers” based on nothing other than the fact that they have accused someone of sexual assault. This describes many commenters here on Jezebel. It ignores any interest in finding the actual truth and is a bananas way of going…
Waaaaaiiitttt. Why do you still believe the women if a trial was carried out by professionals and the man was judged by a Jury of his peers, and was deemed to be not guilty of the charges leveled against them. What else could he possibly do to prove he is not guilty? Do the people who claim to believe accusers know…