Davis Andrews

So serious question: does anyone who has an Amazon Echo or similar device actually use it regularly? My limited experience with Siri on my phone has been that it’s only truly capable of basic searches, and that trying to get Siri to understand what I want is more annoying than just opening the phone and looking up

Well yes, but this isn’t about watching basketball. Burneko is upset because the storylines on his favorite soap aren’t as interesting as they were last year.

So far the worst thing about this season is everyone falling over themselves to show how sophisticated they are by complaining about it. The basketball itself has been entertaining as ever.

I dunno, I think there’s a contingent of people who are overrepresented on internet comment boards who don’t know how to interact with anything besides complaining endlessly about it. TV show, sports, staff change at work... everything is just an excuse to show how savvy you are by complaining.

Yeah yeah yeah, cut to the chase: when do we get the Taurus wagon back?

I mean, they were almost certain to lose from the moment that they stepped onto the court. How many 30 point deficits have we seen GSW erase in the last few years?

The similarity is that Deadspin, just like Wendy’s, United, etc. is a brand. And just like any other brand, it depends on “social engagement” (people advertising their shit for free). And it’s not just that Deadspin puts out 100% quality stuff that people can share. Like everyone else, Deadspin creates clickbait,

Don’t worry, his soccer articles are also bad.

Of course, the real hit is going to come when, up late one night and having had too many drinks, the teams find themselves dropping an additional $20M for a bunch of lousy new skins for characters they don’t even play.

Great list, but may I suggest adding “get a goddamn editor”?

Holy fucking shit that background music! I’ve never been more excited about watching a lottery.

I agree, this is the police’s fault. But why stop there? I hear that the cops are to blame not only for his death, but also bee colony collapse, Jack Kennedy, and scrotal itch. When will we, as a society, stop the police so that innocent cold-blooded murderers like Steve Stephens can live in peace?


I’m not, I use WordPerfect.

How do you see corruption being a part of this process? I mean, there won’t be much (or any) stadium construction, anticorruption enforcement is pretty strong in the US.... I’m just not sure how you see “corruption” occurring here aside from your assumption it must happen because it’s FIFA.

I’m confused as to whether Haisley knew, when he wrote this article, that Canada is also working with the US and Mexico, which raises the interesting possibility that he didn’t even read the text he block quoted.

“I did call him an asshole, because he is an asshole.”

The answer, I believe, is “because they developed this backstory for a cancelled RTS” and wanted to stick with it. Also, it helps keep the community involved and probably helps drive people wanting special skins (which drives people buying loot boxes).

By far the best part of this is the announcer degenerating into incoherent laughter by minute 2:30.

I wouldn’t let your compatriots find out you used the term “gimpy,” the pitchforks’ be out before long.