I pretty much live on the internet and had not heard of this phenomenon until this post, for which I am grateful because it gave me a soundtrack for a bit.
I pretty much live on the internet and had not heard of this phenomenon until this post, for which I am grateful because it gave me a soundtrack for a bit.
I figure it is like Hollywood saying Chloe Bennet is mistaken about anti-asian racism being prevalent, but being unable to explain why she didn’t get one call back until she changed her name to Chloe Bennet from the Chinese name she was born with.
According to a quick google search, as of 2021 (and possibly before this bonus took place) Kotick already had a personal net worth of $8 billion, which for context is:
-a third of EA’s entire net worth ($24 billion)
-five times the net worth of Square Enix ($1.26 billion)
-almost double Ubisoft’s net worth ($4.5 billion)
Well like he could give 200 people a million dollars or 200 million people 1 dollar but he definitely couldnt give every US citizen a million dollars from 200 million. He'd need 328,000,000,000,000.
Right, but my point is more that they had a LOT of resources pulled together, very much capable of handling a slate of animated features, and it’s kind of amazing to me that it never happened. Other studios didn’t have their own animation line-ups until they made closer deals with Pixar-like studios in the 2000s, but…
You are way too optimistic.
Mr. Sam. I do get that we’re under deadlines here in the Giz-group, but is there any movement toward relaxing those a bit so that the quality I saw squeezed into this article can be allowed to more fully bloom?
Some people need to spend less time on the internet.
I have given birth to none. I have fostered seven in my home. I have financially supported two Africans throughout their childhood. I am auntie to none by blood, I am auntie to at least 10 otherwise. I have pics of Japanese, Ethiopian and Caucasian kids on my mantel right now. But I take great care NOT to elevate…
if i see so much as a paralegal; hell, even a goddamn intern, i am turning this car around!
Her “lifestyle”?
This is a really great piece of reporting. It’s scary and infuriating. I stood by my position that I wasn’t going to engage in any election related bullshit until 2020 because 2 years is too goddamned long for an election. This is my first real jump into the pond/cesspool and it was the right choice to wait.
He took the same calculus and diff eq as any other engineer...not that this is particularly complex math. What does his experience have to do with basic geometry and vectors?
My city — a small suburb of a very large metropolitan area — has 37 officers for 60,000 citizens. The department is much larger than that — but only 37 are actual officers out working the streets.
At any given time just 10 of them are on-duty.
10 officers are not going to recognize 60,000 citizens. Even if we divide…
Sorry, did you just suggest that Tron: Legacy is the “best” version of Tron?
...but McGrath is a self-described moderate who believes the Democrats currently running for president are veering too far to the left. She doesn’t support eliminating private insurance under a Medicare-for-all plan, nor does she support subsidizing healthcare for undocumented immigrants. She also describes herself as…
Toxicity and aggression in gaming is a huge issue and we really need to start taking it seriously. Young children are learning that this is appropriate and that being shitty to people online is acceptable. Start refusing to play with people who act like this. Start booting players that do this at tournaments. Make it…
I honestly don’t understand what happened to sportsmanship. You know, like, not being an asshole? It seems totally lost, and yeah, K seems to love promoting the lack of it.
Everyone can stop cosplaying now. Gollum and Smaug in the mo cap suits wins cosplaying forever