David Wurzel

"From the species who brought you chocolate and pornography…"

I hadn't heard of this guy before stumbling upon this review and buying the album on a whim, but ho-lee shit…this record came out of fucking nowhere to give A Moon Shaped Pearl and The Impossible Kid a run for their money in what is becoming an unusually amazing month for new albums.

That's the only one that's leaving me cold, as well.

Rod Serling wasn't able to contractually guarantee the same creative control on Night Gallery that he had on Twilight Zone.

He Nose the Truth is a classic.

♫♫ "Mistah-Effffffff!!!" ♫♫


Oh, for the love of God…I always forget that Nolan is the one director in Hollywood that seems to have a froth-mouthed cult of sycophants patrolling the internet, decrying any criticism that may be directed at him.

Anyone who can sit through The Dark Knight Rises and not actively recognize that its bloated narrative is a hot mess is willfully lying to themselves.

Let's hope that Nolan remembers to include a coherent story in this one.

That's one one with the jungle children, right?

Yeah, I turned it off at that bizarre rape scene early on in the film.

Just call the thing Mummy Dearest and have the hero vanquish the bandaged terror with wire hangers THAT HE WAS TOLD TIME AND AGAIN NOT TO USE.

Rainn Wilson as…an alpha male gym teacher?

Archer got back-to-back renewals for its sixth and seventh seasons, apparently.

That proposed premise for the Pete and Pete reboot is the greatest thing I've ever heard.

Killer 7 is one of my all-time favorite games, full-stop. Whatever inspired Suda 51 to blend rail-shooters and point-n'-click adventures, I'll never know, but the end product (all gussied up in an art direction that makes me weak in the knees) speaks directly to my gaming soul.

My S-video cable for Gamecube finally arrived, so I might sit down with some Rogue Leader or Killer 7. I should probably check out Galak-Z, as well, before it becomes another lost soul in my "bought and forgot" backlog.

I'm surprised that there was no passing mention that "Fronting Goon" was played by none other than Grand Theft Auto V's Trevor, Steven Ogg.

Don't you know he's loco?