

You say “that’s stupid,” but you’re the person here who is clearly experiencing an inability to understand what is clearly an issue for many other people.

As soon as I read your comment I knew you were an asshole. What makes stealerships unethical is explained very clearly in this article, but you choose to ignore all that in favor of the “capitalism good” bullshit and blaming the people getting ripped off for being ripped off. Wanna be rich dickhead

“People have a right to feel it takes them out of it without other people saying it’s racist.”

Basically. I think she genuinely means it, cuz no one should want assholes to STAY assholes, but it reads as “this is the nicest way for me to say he should get some help and grow up”.

This isn’t a “normal” conversation, this is an interview. Of course, she’s going to be diplomatic. Not everyone likes to start a public feud.

I used to be an edgelord jerk, too. I grew up.


It’s not everyone else’s fault you represent yourself so poorly that we feel sorry for your wife.

Nice example of shit you’re comfortable saying on the internet, but I guarantee you would never say to my (or anyone’s) face.

So a volcel then

The fuck is wrong with you?

Bro, I guarantee that no one cares about you including your co-dependent spouse. Just shut up and sit down. 

No one who is happily anything spends as much time shitposting as you do.

Yup, a true asshole.

Be both sexist and illogical in the same comment.  Oh, you did already.

Incel, much?

That’s a pretty weird take, man.

Keep crying about vegans, imaginary embryos and the evil cabal of women like Amber Heard you fucking incel. Nobody cares about you and nobody ever will.

I didn’t pick a side, I mocked your stupid comment that Amber had anything to do with these documents being released, dumbass. Try to keep up, stop trying to give Johnny a blowjob and use your brain. Or don’t, it’s far funnier to laugh at your stupidity.