No, those players chose to play the game because of its earning potential. Specifically because in countries like the Philippines, the USD per day was more than many people were making at their 9-5 jobs.
No, those players chose to play the game because of its earning potential. Specifically because in countries like the Philippines, the USD per day was more than many people were making at their 9-5 jobs.
So no. You cannot even write a single paragraph as to why axie infinity is fun.
Found the kool aid drinker.
You do know its comically easy for kids under 18 to get any sexual content they like, right? You can’t even argue that she markets directly towards under 18s so calling her a pedo means you’d have to call any man or woman that creates sexual content a pedo simply because kids can access it easily thanks to the internet…
Geez, you’ve got a wild imagination. Care to back up your claims with sources?
I’m so glad you don’t work anymore if you’re this much of a shitbird
Weird flex, boomer
None of this is based in reality. Be quiet, and let your betters talk.
Got it, you were a shitty employee. Okay, no need to tell the whole internet about it.
So you sexually harassed your coworkers? Ya, good you worked when people looked the other way. Creepy though that you admit that.
Hopefully your tombstone won’t read “he got regularly outraged on behalf of sexual harassers”
it’s almost like the site is reporting on the situation fairly since this did not occur until after that recall vote. As if time continues to move forward while your opinion does not.
This is true, but stand-up comedy is unique in that it requires you to buy into the comedian’s personality and thought processes significantly more than with a musician or a painter. It’s much harder to separate the artist from the art when so much of the art is the artist.
I wondered how long it would take for some Rando to come by and make a shitbird comment about a show he never watched but fully hates. Bore Bore Bore.
How do you know you hate it if you’ve never watched it?
You probably won’t ever get it. It’s actually really sad, but once your brain’s a piece of shit it’s always a piece of shit.
I’m curious about this reflexive urge so many internet commenters have to equate any kind of enthusiasm or decisive statement as unearned bravery. Why do you say this? Why do you say, “Wow, it’s so brave,” when, like, nobody implied that? He’s doing publicity for a movie he’s in, someone asked if he’d do an Indiana…
Completely disagree. Most ‘Dumb things’ are people in fact learning. People commenting on a company-wide email, or saying the wrong thing at the wrong time to the wrong person. They don’t know any better.
Most ‘Dumb things’ occur, because we make silly assumptions that our children know things they don’t know. Even…
Actually please don’t do that! Doing so continues to contribute to a culture of “don’t make a mistake”. Which instead you want to instill making “mistakes” or “failing” is okay. It’s the path to learning in any situation. Go for the growth mindset.
The hypersensitivity of Cyberpunk super fans continues