
Hey everyone! This person is ASIAN so you don't get to be upset at hateful trans jokes

No. People get to have strong opinions about Nextflix paying millions of dollars for someone's hate speech, thanks

I still think anyone demanding that Netflix pull it is wrong.”

Hate Speech isn’t comedy.

You can’t punch down if you don’t believe you’re above them, if you respect them as equals.”

Said edginess is just saying dude in a dress or I identity as a helicopter.  If I wanted lame repetitive comedy that punches down I'd watch Bill Maher.

Everyone knows why NFT’s are stupid on a practical level, but it’s kind of hilarious how goddamn worthless they are on an artistic level. Every single NFT is an ugly picture of a dude in 3/4ths profile looking to the right. There’s no technical limitation preventing them from doing something different, it’s just that

What you have to understand about Conservatism is at its core, it is about preserving an in-group protected by the law but not bound by it, and an out-group bound by the law but not protected by it.

did not involve any criminal intent

I thought it was referring to some of Tesla's features being on a "subscription basis" and getting shut down if you stop paying.

Counterpoint: sometimes roads bend.

Rowling has donated money to anti-trans hate groups, used her expensive lawyers to bully trans activists into silence, and spread anti-trans rhetoric so successfully that her words have been quoted by far-right politicians in both the US and UK when they’ve tried to pass anti-trans laws. The fact that she wraps her

I’m not sure how claiming that allowing trans women to use women’s bathrooms will be dangerous to children is anything but comically obvious transphobia. 

The current scheme is symbolic and the product of thoughtful consideration and design. https://www.cnn.com/style/article/air-force-one-trump-design-history/index.html

No one’s outraged that he wanted to use red, white, and blue.

Reminds me of the drawing of how an elephant would wear pants.

Of course, the same might be said of your opinion.  

“. . . the Emmy’s proved themselves nearly irrelevant by awarding easy-to-watch mediocrity instead of the tough stuff.”

A person’s personal taste in media isn’t an indication of “fragility.”  That’s just ridiculous.  

Suing seems stupid, but then, I’m not a communist.