I notice you didn’t supply a single link to anything “debunking” this post, so one must assume you’re just making it up. Why be so transparent in your dick-riding? It’s honestly just lazy.
I notice you didn’t supply a single link to anything “debunking” this post, so one must assume you’re just making it up. Why be so transparent in your dick-riding? It’s honestly just lazy.
Literally no one on the planet was buying tons of credits to open caches desperately looking for Agatha. This is quite honestly the silliest Snap argument I’ve ever heard. So congrats on that, because the Snap community has plenty of truly silly disputes.
“Wasting money”? Okay, I guess you don’t actually play Snap, because there’s no way to “waste money” to acquire the card. Agatha is Series 3, so you can’t control when you unlock her, unless you use your monthly Series 3 unlock to get her, which is ALSO totally free.
It’s not a positive playstyle for the game, so they’re extremely unlikely to ever improve it. It’s just interesting enough to get people excited to try weird things while not being so interesting that it gets played all the time. I think they’ve balanced it perfectly.
Since they don’t actually want you playing Wanda, I doubt they’ll ever remove the booster effect. It’s clearly intended as a disincentive to play zombie Agatha decks just for the boosters.
It’s wonderful when bigots pretend to be members of an oppressed minority just to launder their bigotry. No one believes you are a brave gay feminist - try again.
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. All of which are threatened by anti-trans laws in multiple US states. Read a fucking newspaper.
You are a truly hateful bigot, and everyone around you knows it.
Who spoke up for you? No one said “all fat people are offended by fat shaming” - the comment said “fat shaming him hurts people reading who have done nothing wrong.” This is an objective fact - there are people who are hurt by fat shaming.
Point being that you don’t read much news? Because that’s the only way you’d never have come across GLAAD.
Just curious, but: why not? If it turns out to be a great show, it’s not that much money to pay for a month, watch all the episodes, and then cancel. I used to do that with Paramount+ to binge Star Trek series.
Yeah, it’s a truly abysmal title, which is unfortunate considering how bonkers it looks.
“There is no putting the brakes on technology.” That’s absolute nonsense. We’ve put the brakes on MANY technologies, notably the most easily weaponized ones: nuclear weapons, autonomous weapon systems, space-based weapons, and biological and chemical weapons. We have not outright stopped development in any of these…
Dollars to donuts the rogue agency in question was ICE. Those fuckers don’t give two shits about the law, and their authority to violate the Constitution has unfortunately long-standing judicial precdent.
Since multiple experts in the field have said that the reported experiences in Havana matched what they’d expect to see in a pulsed microwave exposure, I’m gonna go ahead and say it’s quite possible, especially considering that no one has an alternative explanation for the TBIs found in many of the patients who first…
That’s not true - pulsed microwaves can cause brain injury (and auditory perceptions like those described by diplomats) without “cooking you.”
What way are you asserting they DO work? Because pulsed radio waves at particular frequencies/power levels absolutely can cause all the listed symptoms, including the brain damage discovered in many of the original victims.
You’re talking about contract law, NOT employment law. Without an employment contract, you have very little recourse under at-will employment.
“There is such a thing as the spirit of the law.” Not in a courtroom, there isn’t! This is honestly the absolute stupidest assertion I’ve seen in the comments in a long time. “Laws don’t have to be explicit”? Where on God’s green earth did you pull that one from? Laws get struck down by the courts for being overly…