
This is a legitimately insane opinion to have. You don’t understand why anyone would want instant access to nearly all music everywhere? What narrow, boring taste you must have. There isn’t a portable device on the market that could hold all the music I’m interested in.

Pandora is not even close to the same service. If Pandora is enough for you, then you really didn’t need Spotify Premium in the first place.

Uh, you’re making things up. They sell a service for “up to six people living at the same address,” so that’s EXACTLY what it means. You pretending otherwise is dishonest bullshit.

Wow, very insightful. Definitely keep the whole Internet posted on that.

Cute joke, but for the concerned reader out there: irradiating something does not make it become radioactive.

Sweetie, I don’t get notified of your replies if you reply to yourself with a screen cap of my message. I know the Internet’s tough, but you can do it. I believe in you! And I always argue in good faith. I’m sorry I have no patience with people who never admit they’re wrong.

You certainly don’t need to freak out. I’m not freaking out either. It’s the pro-juuling people who I’m trying to debunk here. They’re freaking out in droves. Apparently it’s just too much work for them to mix their own candy flavors into their vaping liquid.

That’s purely anecdotal evidence. You can’t extrapolate from your situation to that of every other kid. Show me a study that says exactly as many kids would vape nicotine if it weren’t flavored and marketed to them and you’ll have a compelling argument. In the meantime, I’ll trust public health experts who have

So you’re in support of repealing all drinking age restrictions? And all driving under the influence laws? What a fucking moronic take.

Show me the millions of kids bringing lime-a-ritas to school every day and you’ll have a point. Until then, try using your fucking brain.

They can spoof the incoming call number, which is why that’s not the number you call back. You call back at a number you’ve independently verified. “Excuses” are exactly what this method is designed to circumvent. You ignore all avenues for social engineering and instead reach out to the purported source on your own.

Exactly one jewelry store in my city has security shutters. Get outside the bubble of your hometown, dawg.

I definitely have done it for credit card calls. I usually tell them “I don’t know who you are, so I’d prefer to call the number on the back of my card. Thanks.”

I love that you can’t even articulate an argument at this point. You’re an eight-year-old shouting “I know you are but what am I.” It’s truly pitiful. Luckily, I’m confident you’re not a federal judge and have zero impact on the legal ramifications of Tesla’s false advertising.

There’s plenty of case law that contradicts your armchair analysis. But let’s ignore that for a second, and ask: why should we ONLY be concerned with the specific details of legal culpability? That’s an awfully narrow thing to argue, and here it has the effect of letting an obviously negligent corporation off the

I see you’re back at your boring practice of intellectually dishonest arguments and refusing to admit when you’re obviously incorrect. Keep on making the Internet a worse place, my simple-minded friend!

Uh... what a dumb fucking post. Nearly every store in the United States has an entire wall made of glass: the front one facing the street / walkway of the mall. Every single store is susceptible to a guy with a sledgehammer.

Anyone with the authority to transfer that much money has AT LEAST the number of the boss’s assistant, who can confirm the transfer with the boss or transfer the call.

There are a lot of scams in the same family of “transfer money to person on the phone.” They are all easily foiled by saying, “before I do this, I’m going to call you back at your listed phone number.” So if they purport to be your boss, you hang up and call the number for your boss to confirm. If they purport to be